Richard Amoroso
Professor Richard L. Amoroso
Director - Noetic Advanced Studies Institute - Physics Lab
608 Jean Street, Oakland, CA 94610-1422 USA
Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth: 24 April, 1946
Place of Birth: Medford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
B.S. University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Psychology (1972)
Ph.D (DED). INU - Hayward, CA - Cosmology and Philosophy of Mind (1992)
M.A. JFK University - Orinda, Consciousness Studies (1995)
Other Colleges Attended
1972 Stanford University, Psychology
1979-1980 New England School of Acupuncture, Chinese Acupuncture,
Moxibustion, Electro and Laser Acupuncture
1980-1981 Harvard University, Physics, Human Physiology
1991-1992 San Francisco State University, Psychology, Astrophysics, Creative writing
1989-1993 Peralta College, Mandarin Chinese, Computer Science, Desktop Publishing
1994 U.C. Berkeley, Philosophy of Mind (John Searle)
Summary of Positions Held
1972- 1976 Amoroso Institute of Psychology, Palo Alto, Director
1974 Stanford Linear Particle Accelerator, Palo Alto, SLAC research technician
1979- 1981 Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA Computation
Facility manager
1987- present Museum of Robotics, Chairman Board of Directors
1991- 1992 Peralta College, Oakland, CA, Instructional Assistant, Computer Science
1993- present Noetic Advanced Studies Institute, Orinda, CA Founding Director
1993- 1995 Electricar Corporation, Oakland, CFO
1994- 1996 International Noetic University, Professor
1997- present The Noetic Journal, Orinda, Executive Editor
1997- present Cerebroscopic Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CFO
1997- present Noetic Medal of Consciousness and Brain Research, Search Committee
2000 Chairman: 3rd Vigier International Symposium, UC Berkeley.
2003 Chairman 4th Vigier International Symposium, Paris, France.
2002- 2004 Bioscan International, Board of Directors
2005 Chairman, International Year of Physics, CASYS05, Liege, Belgium
2007 Chairman 6th Vigier Int. Physics Symposium, CASYS07, Liege, Belgium
2010 Chairman 7th Vigier International Symposium, Imperial College, London, UK
Selected Professional Publications
Recent Books
[1] Amoroso, R.L., Antunes, R., Coelho, C., Farias, M., Leite, A., & Soares, P. (eds.) (2000) Science and the
Primacy of Consciousness: Intimation of a 21st Century Revolution, Readings in Consciousness Studies vol 1,
Orinda: The Noetic Press, ISBN 0-9678687-0-8
[2] Osoroma, Drahcir, S. (pseudonym) (2000) The Scientific Origins of Sexual Preference, Orinda: The
Noetic Press, ISBN 0-9678687-0-X.
[3] Amoroso, R.L., Hunter, G., Kafatos, M., Vigier, J-P. (eds.) (2002) Gravitation & Cosmology: From the
Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[4] Amoroso, R.L. (2010) The Complementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing The Dream of Descartes,
Einstein and Eccles, New York, Nova Science Publishers, In press.
[5] Amoroso, R.L. (2008) March on Jericho, Readings in Consciousness Studies vol 2, in press
[6] Amoroso, R.L. (2009) Sexual Preference: The Ontological Origins, Submitted.
[7] Amoroso, R.L., Lehnert, B. & Vigier, J-P. (eds.) (2005) The Search For Unity In Physics: Extending the
Standard Model, ISSN 1528-3739, Orinda: The Noetic Press
[8] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) Ce Este Constiinta? Trepte Intru Cosmologia Mintii, (Editor), Nicolae Bulz;
(Trans.) Iosif Adrian, Nicolae Bulz, Alexandru Giuculescu, Calin Hilohi, Corneliu Milos & Laura Pana,
Bucharesti: Editura Academiei Romane.
[9] Amoroso, R., and Di Biase, F. (eds.) (2004) A Revolução da Consciência. Novas Descobertas sobre a
Mente no Século XXI. Editora Vozes, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. (Science and the Primacy of
Consciousness, Portuguese Translation, Rio di Janeiro: Editura Vozes).
[10] R.L. Amoroso (2010) Implementation of Bulk Quantum Computing; With Applications, Submitted to
Oxford University Press, in preparation.
[11] Amoroso, R., and Di Biase, F. (eds.) (2005), 2nd edition, Consciência. Novas Descobertas sobre a Mente
no Século XXI. Editora Vozes, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. (Science and the Primacy of Consciousness,
Portuguese Translation, Rio di Janeiro: Editura Vozes).
[12] R.L.Amoroso & J. Dunning-Davies (eds.) (2011) Demise of the Bigbang: What the Universe is Really
Like? (in preparation)
[13] R.L. Amoroso & J.R.S. Amoroso (2006), Rendezvous at the Temple of Love, Orinda: Noetic Press.
[14] R.L. Amoroso, F. DiBiase & M. S. Roca (2010) Quantum Dialogues, Rio di Janeiro: Editura Vozes, (in
Portugese) in press.
[15] R.L. Amoroso & E. A. Rauscher, Lucis Sapiens: The Next Evolutionary Step for Mankind. (in
[16] R.L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (2007) Beyond the Standard Model: Searching for Unity in
Physics, ISBN 0-9678687-3-4, Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[17] R.L. Amoroso (2011) How to Build a Conscious Quantum Computer, in preparation.
[18] R.L. Amoroso & E. A. Rauscher (2009) The Holographic Anthropic Multiverse: Formalizing the
Complex Geometry of Ultimate Reality, Singapore: World Scientific.
[19] R.L. Amoroso, I. Dienes & Cs. Varga (eds.) (2008) Unified Theories: Proceedings of the 1st Metatheory
Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 15-18 November, 2006, Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[20] R.L. Amoroso, I. Dienes & Cs. Varga (eds.) (2010) Unified Theories: Proceedings of the 2nd
Metatheory Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 16-19 May, 2008, Oakland: The Noetic Press, in press.
[21] R.L. Amoroso, The Geometry, Topology and Structural-Phenomenology of the Soul: The Physical Basis
for Noetic Medicine, in progress.
[22] E.A. Rauscher & R.L. Amoroso, (2011) Orbiting the Moons of Pluto: Complex Solutions to the Maxwell,
Einstein, Schrödinger and Dirac Equations, Singapore: World Scientific.
[23] R.L. Amoroso (2011) The Science of Qualia: Quantifying the Substance of Thought, Submitted.
[24] R.L.Amoroso, Cookbook Telepathy (2009) Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[25] R.L. Amoroso & F. Seleri (eds.) (2011) To B(3) or not to B(3): Validation of Extended Electromagnetic
Theory, in Preparation
[26] R.L. Amoroso, P. Rowlands & S. Jeffers (2011) Search for Fundamental Theory: Proceedings of the
VIIth Vigier Symposium, Imperial College, London 2010, AIP Conference Proceedings, in Press
[27] R.L. Amoroso, Noetic Field Theory: The Cosmology of Mind, Vol 1.: Theory, Book in preparation
[28] R.L. Amoroso, Applied Noetic Field Theory: The Implementation of Noetic Technologies, Vol 2. in
[29] R.L. Amoroso, L.H. Kauffman, P. Rowlands & E.A. Rauscher (2012) Fundamental Theory; London:
Oxford Academic Press.
[30] R.L. Amoroso, The Enoch Transmutation (Science Fiction novel) in preparation
[31] R.L. Amoroso (2009) Flipbots: The Robot Flipbook, Oakland, Noetic Press.
[32] R.L. Amoroso (2009) Whydayawannarobotfor? Found-Object & Recycled Robot Maker, Oakland,
Noetic Press.
Academic Papers/ Book Chapters
[1] Amoroso, R.L. and Martin, B. (1995) Modeling the Heisenberg matrix: Quantum coherence and thought at
the holoscape manifold and deeper complementarity. In J. King & K.H. Pribram, Eds. Scale in Conscious
Experience: Is the Brain too Important to be Left to Biologists to Study? Mahwah: Lawrence Earlbaum.
[2] Amoroso, R.L. (1995) The extracellular containment of natural intelligence: A new direction for strong AI.
Informatica 19
[3] Amoroso, R.L. (1995) How to Build a Telecerebroscope. The Noetic Press.
[4] Amoroso, R.L. (1996) The production of Fröhlich and Bose-Einstein coherent states in in vitro
paracrystaline oligomers using phase control laser interferometry, Bioelectrochemistry & Bioenergetics 41.
[5] Amoroso, R.L. Engineering a conscious computer, In T. Toffoli, and M. Biafore Eds., Physcomp96
(1996) N.E. Complex Systems Inst., Cambridge.
[6] Amoroso, R.L., (1996), Engineering a Conscious Computer, InterJournal Complex Systems, 17,
Cambridge: New England Complex Systems Institute.
[7] Amoroso, R.L. (1996) Collective modes of ordered water as a synchronization backbone for quantum
neuromolecular computation and consciousness. The Noetic Press.
[8] Amoroso, R.L. (1997) Consciousness: A radical definition, The Noetic Journal 1:1, pp. 19-27.
[9] Amoroso, R.L. Commentary on Stapp: Call for a Model of Deep Ontology, The Noetic Journal 1:1, pp.97-
99 (1997).
[10] Amoroso, R.L. (1997) A brief introduction to noetic field theory. Proc. Scientific Basis of
Consciousness, ECPD, Belgrade.
[11] Amoroso, R.L. (1997) The theoretical foundations for engineering a conscious quantum computer. In
M.Gams, M. Paprzycki & X.Wu (eds.) Mind<>Computer, IOS Press: Amsterdam.
[12] Amoroso, R.L., Kafatos, M.and Ecminovic, P. (1998) The origins of cosmological redshift in spin
exchange between Planck scale vacuum compactification and nonzero rest mass photon anisotrophy, in G.
Hunter and S. Jeffers eds., Causality and Locality in Modern Physics, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
[13] Ecminovic, P., Kafatos, M.and Amoroso, R.L. (1998) The Vigier Pinch, in G. Hunter and S. Jeffers
eds., Causality and Locality in Modern Physics, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
[14] Amoroso, R.L. (1998) The origin of cosmic microwave background radiation in the intrinsic fluctuation
of vacuum compactification cavity electrodynamics, submitted
[15] Amoroso, R.L. (1999) An introduction to noetic field theory: The quantization of mind, The Noetic
Journal 2:1, pp. 28-37.
[16] Amoroso, R.L. (1999) A Theoretical Alzheimer’s Etiology Predicting Psychogenic Initiation, The Noetic
Journal 2:2, pp. 234-241.
Amoroso, R.L. (1999) A Comparative Study of 10(11) D Superstring Theory And The 10(11) Sefirot in the
Tree of Life Metaphor of the Hebrew Kabbalah, The Noetic Journal, 2:3, pp. 333-337.
[17] Amoroso, R.L. (1999) Cultural Manifestations of the Anthropopathy of Human Consciousness, Society
for the Anthropology of Consciousness, Annual meeting, UC Berkeley.
[18] Amoroso, R.L. (2000) Can a Conscious Universe Obviate Philosophical Naturalism & Vanguard Physical
Teleology? Polyani Conference on Naturalism; Baylor, University, Waco, Tx April 12-15.
[19] Amoroso, R.L. (2000) The parameters of temporal correspondence in a continuous state conscious
universe, In R. Buccheri & M. Saniga Eds. Studies in the Structure of Time: From Physics to
Psycho(patho)logy, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
[20] Kafatos,M., Roy, S. & Amoroso, R.L. (2000) Scaling in Cosmology & the Arrow of Time, In R.
Bucheri & M. Saniga Eds. Studies in the Structure of Time: From Physics to Psycho(patho)logy, Kluwer
Academic, Dordrecht.
[21] Amoroso, R.L. (2000) The ontology of soul and nature of free agency within the cosmology of a
continuous state conscious universe, In H. Wautischer Ed. Ontology of Consciousness: A Modern Synthesis,
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, In press.
[22] Amoroso, R.L. (2000) The Ontological Origins of Sexual Preference, The Noetic Journal, 2:4, pp. 401-
[23] Amoroso, R.L. (2000) Cerebroscopic Transduction and the advent of Sensory Bypass Technology, The
Noetic Journal, 3:1, pp. 49-60.
[24] Amoroso, R.L. (2000) Philosophical Tension: A Structural-Phenomenological Approach to
Physicalization in Terms of the Continuous State Conscious Universe, Noesis vol. XXV - Proceedings of the
Romanian Academy, pp.93-107.
[25] Amoroso, R.L. (2002) No Matter Never Mind, review of K. Yasue, M. Jibu & T. Della Scenta (eds.)
John Benjamins book, Noetic Journal, 3:4, pp. 382-84.
[26] Struppa, D.C., Kafatos, M., Roy, S., Kato, G. & Amoroso, R.L. (2003) Category Theory as the
Language of Consciousness, Noetic Journal, 3:3, pp. 271-281.
[27] Amoroso, R.L. (2002) The Cosmology of a Continuous State Universe, in Amoroso, R.L., Hunter, G.,
Kafatos, M., Vigier, J-P. (Eds.) Gravitation & Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale, 2002,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[28] Amoroso, R.L. & Vigier, J-P (2002) Comparison of Near and Far Field Double-Slit Interferometry for
dispersion in Propagation of the Photon Wave-Packet, in Amoroso, R.L., Hunter, G., Kafatos, M., Vigier, J-P.
(eds.) Gravitation & Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
[29] Vigier, J-P & Amoroso, R.L. (2002) The origin of cosmological redshift and CMBR as
absorption/emission equilibrium in cavity-QED blackbody dynamics of the Dirac vacuum, In Amoroso, R.L.,
Hunter, G., Kafatos, M., Vigier, J-P. (eds.) Gravitation & Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck
Scale, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[30] Amoroso, R.L. (2002) The Physical Basis of Consciousness: A Fundamental Formalism, Part 1 Noesis,
XXVI, Romanian Academy.
[31] Amoroso, R.L. (2002) The Ontological Origins of Sexual Preference, Noetic J, 2:4, pp. 410-421.
[32] Vigier, J-P, & Amoroso, R.L. (2002) Can one unify gravity and electromagnetic fields?, in Amoroso,
R.L., Hunter, G., Kafatos, M., Vigier, J-P. (Eds.) Gravitation & Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the
Planck Scale (2002) Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[33] Amoroso, R.L. (2002) Constiinta, o definitie radicala: dualismul substantei rezolva problema dificulta
(trad. de A. Botez si O. Popescu) Filosofia Constiintei Si Stiintele Cognitive, A. Botez si B.M. Popescu,
Bucharesti: Cartea Romaneasca.
[34] Amoroso, R.L. & Martin, B. (2002) Consciousness: A thousand points of light. Self-organized
emergence of consciousness from the noumenon of the conscious universe, Noetic Journal, 3:4, pp. 289-311.
[35] Amoroso, R.L. (2002) (Osoroma, D. pseudonym), Brave New Mind, a review of Peter Dodwell’s book,
Noetic Journal, 3:3, pp.282-284.
[36] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) The Physical Cosmology of Time: a Topological Field Theory of Origins in Higher
Dimensional Geometry, in, R. Buccheri, M. Saniga & M. Stuckey, (eds.) Proceedings of the NATO ARW,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic .
[37] Amoroso, R.L., Amoroso, P.J.,, Hunter, G. & Rauscher, E.A. (2003) The Primary Mechanism Initiating
Protein Conformation in Prion Propagation, Submitted.
[38] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) Integrating Science and Theology: Development of An Empirical Metaphysics,
IUAES conference, Florence, Italy. To be published.
[39] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) Awareness: Physical Cosmology Of The Fundamental Least Unit, Noetic Journal
4:1; 7-23.
[40] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) The Fundamental Limit and Origin of Biological Systems, Noetic Journal 4:1; 24-
[41] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) Fe, Fi, Fo Folium: A Discourse On Descartes Mathematical Curiosity Noetic
Journal 4:2, pp. 176-82
[42] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) (Osoroma, D.S. Pseudonym), The Web And The Cloth, review of Daniel W.
Miller’s BTR book, Noetic Journal 4:2, pp. 185-187.
[43] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) The Search for Mind by Sean O. Nuallain, Noetic Journal, 4:1 pp.88-90
[44] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) Editorial Commentary on the 2003 Centenary of Sir John Eccles, Noetic Journal
4:1, pp. 1-2.
[45] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) The Physical Basis and Extracellular Containment of Qualia: Dissolution of the 1st
Person 3rd Person Barrier, 4:3;194-206, The Noetic Journal.
[46] Amoroso, R. L. (2003) Being Human: The Search For Order by Sean O. Nuallain, Noetic Journal, 4:3
pp. 298-300.
[47] Amoroso, R.L. (2003) Introduction to the Cosmology of a Continuous State Conscious Universe,
Procedings Romanian Acad, New York Branch.
[48] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) Consciousness: A thousand points of light. Self-organized emergence of
complexity from the conscious universe. In, R.L. Amoroso, and K.H. Pribram, The Complementarity of Mind
and Body: Essays in Honor of Nobel Laureate Sir John Eccles' Centennial Anniversary, In press.
[49] Amoroso, R.L. & Vigier, J-P (2004) Toward the unification of gravity and electromagnetism, in
Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology, V. V. Dvoeglazov and A. A. Espinoza Garrido, (eds.) New York: Nova
Science Publishers , pp. 61- 76.
[50] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) A paradigm for continuous state cosmology, in R.L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P
Vigier (eds.) The Search For Unity In Physics, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub.
[51] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) On the possibility of relativistic shock-wave effects in cosmological observations,
in R.L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.) The Search For Unity In Physics, Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Pub.
[52] Vigier, J-P & Amoroso, R.L. (2004) The electromagnetic integration of the strong force, in R.L.
Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.) The Search For Unity In Physics, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
[53] Amoroso, R. L., & Amoroso, P. J. (2004) The fundamental limit and origin of complexity in selforganized
biological systems; A new model for life, in D.M. Dubois (ed.) Proceedings of CASYS, >03, Sixth
International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liege, Belgium, August 11-16, 2003, New
York: AIP Proceedings.
[54] Amoroso, R.L., & Amoroso, P.J. (2005) Is it time to redefine Maturana’s basis for self-organized
autopoietic systems?, submitted to BioSystems.
[55] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) Shifting the medical paradigm, Philadelphia: Temple University, Center for
Frontier Studies, in press.
[56] Amoroso, R.L., Dubois, D.M. & Nibart, G. (2005) Is it possible that gravitation is not quantized?,
submitted to General Relativity and Gravitation.
[57] Amoroso, R.L. (2005) Is it possible to institute StarTrek Medicine in this century? In J. Mancilla & F.
DiBiase (eds), Fronteiras da Consciência, Rio de Janiero: Brazil.
[58] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) Experimentally induced conformation in the prion protein by multi-level chaotic
nuclear quadrupole resonance, submitted.
[59] Nickisch, L.J., Franca, H., Haisch, B., Old, T. & Amoroso, R.L. (2004) Experimental Measurement of
Enhanced ZPF-Induced Voltage Fluctuations, In Press.
[60] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) The evolution of qualia as a cybernetic system, Vienna, Proceedings of
Cybernetic and systems theory, to be published.
[61] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) Communication to the Romanian Academy on the occasion of Academian M.
Draganescu’s 75th Birthday, D. Tufis, & G.Tecuci (eds.). "Mihai Draganescu in medias res" (the symposium
MD75) Buchuresti: Editura Academiei Romanei.
[62] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) The secret life of cats: Report of a case study, Noetic Journal, 5:1, pp. 1-12.
[63] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) The physics of consciousness, Review of E.H. Walker’s Persius book, Noetic
Journal, vol. 4 No.4, pp. 379-382.
[64] Amoroso, R.L., & J-P Vigier (2004) On the Itegration of gravity and electromagnetism, in V. Dvoeglazov
(ed.) Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology, New York: Nova Science.
[65] Rauscher, E.A. & Amoroso, R.L. (2005) The Physical Implications Of Multidimensional Geometries And
Measurement, in D. Dubois (ed.) CASYS’05.
[66] Amoroso, R.L., Amoroso, P.J. (2006) Elucidating The Trigger Of Alzheimer's Disease: A Complex
Anticipatory Systems Approach, in D. Dubois (ed.), Proceedings of CASYS05, Liege, Belgium.
[67] Amoroso, R.L., Rauscher, E.A., Nibart Gilles & Hunter, Geoffrey, Giandinoto, S. (2008) Universal Quantum
Computing: Anticipatory: Parameters Predicting Bulk Implementation, in D. Dubois (ed.), Proceedings of
CASYS07, Liege, Belgium.
[68] Amoroso, R.L. (2006) SETI-2: Why SETI search protocols need to be reevaluated, Noetic Journal, 7:1.
[69] Amoroso, R.L. (2006) The Physical Basis of Spirituality: Common Ground for Dialogue, in. M. Stavinchi,
(ed.) Science and Orthodoxy, Bucharest.
[70] Amoroso, R.L, & Rauscher, E.A. (2006) Emergence of generalized F-theory 2-branes from parameters of
the incursive oscillator, in D. Dubois (ed.), Proceedings of CASYS07, Liege, Belgium.
[71] Amoroso, R.L., Rauscher, E.A. (2006) The physical basis of qualia; A mind’s eye view, ISSSEEM, Subtle
Energies & Medicine, in press.
[72] Amoroso, R.L., Rauscher, E.A. (2006) Beyond mechanism: A new model for the action principle driving
self-oganization in living systems, ISSSEEM, Subtle Energies & Medicine, in press.
[73] Amoroso, R.L. (2006) Brain damage in Alzheimer’s disease: Elucidating the noetic trigger, in J. Mancillo & F.
DiBiasi (eds.) Proceedings International do Cerebro, Rio de Janeiro, in press.
[74] Amoroso, R.L. (2006) A fundamental basis for paradigm shift in medicine, in J. Mancillo & F. DiBiasi (eds.)
Proceedings of Fronteiras da Consciencia, Rio de Janeiro, in press.
[75] Amoroso, R.L. (2006) The physical basis of consciousness – implications for medicine and psychology, In
J. Mancilla & F. DiBiase (eds), Fronteiras da Consciência, Rio de Janiero: Brazil.
[76] Amoroso, R.L. (2006) What is thought? What is mind? What is life?, in J. Mancillo & F. DiBiasi (eds.),
Fronteiras da Consciência, Rio de Janiero: Brazil.
[77] Amoroso, R.L. & Rauscher, E.A. (2006) The Physical Implications of Multidimensional Geometries and
Measurement, International J of Computing Anticipatory Systems, ISSN 1373-5411, Edited by Daniel M.
Dubois, Published by CHAOS, Liege, Belgium.
[78] Amoroso, R.L. & Amoroso, P.J. (2006) Elucidating the Trigger of Alzheimer's Disease: A Complex
Anticipatory Systems Approach, International J of Computing Anticipatory Systems, ISSN 1373-5411, Edited
by Daniel M. Dubois, Published by CHAOS, Liege, Belgium.
[79] E.A. Rauscher, R.L. Amoroso & N. Haramein (2006) Incursive Conditions for Collective Coherent
States in Complex Spacetime and the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, in preparation
[80] N. Haramein, E.A. Rauscher & R.L. Amoroso (2006) Hamiltonian Approach to Standing Waves in the
Vicinity of Reissner-Nordström Black Holes in Terms of the Dubois Harmonic Oscillator, in preparation.
[81] R.L. Amoroso & D. M. Dubois (2006) Emergence Of Generalized F-Theory 2-Branes From Parameters
Of The Dubois Incursive Oscillator, in preparation for CASYS07 symposium
[82] R.L. Amoroso, G. Nibart, E.A. Rauscher, P. Zizzi & G. Hunter (2008) Universal Quantum Computing:
Anticipatory Parameters Predicting Bulk Implementation, Part I – Philosopical Foundations, Proceedings of
CASYS07, D. Dubois (ed.), Liege, Belgium.
[83] Amoroso, R.L. & Rauscher, E.A. (2007) Derivation of the string tension formalism from inherent
parameters of an Anthropic Holographic Multiverse, Unified Theories: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual
Metatheory Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 15-18 November, 2006, R.L. Amoroso, I. Dienes & C. Varga
(eds.), Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[84] Amoroso, R.L. & Rauscher, E.A. (2007) Emergence of a “Super Quantum Potential” acting as the
guidance principle driving complex self-organized living systems in a Holographic Conscious Multiverse, in C.
Varga, I. Dienes & R.L. Amoroso (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Metatheory Workshop on Unified
Theories, Budapest, Hungary, 15-18 November, 2006, Special Issue of the Noetic Journal, Vol. 7, Nos. 1-4.
[85] Rauscher, E.A. & Amoroso, R.L. (2007) Complex dimensional space, Penrose twistors, nonlocality and
consciousness, Unified Theories: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Metatheory Conference, Budapest, Hungary,
15-18 November, 2006, R.L. Amoroso, I. Dienes & C. Varga (eds.), Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[86] Rauscher, E.A. & Amoroso, R.L. (2008) Conditions for Collective Coherent States in Complex
Spacetime and the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Proceedings of CASYS07, D. Dubois (ed.), Liege,
[87] Amoroso, R.L. (2007) The physical basis of spirituality: Completing epistemology introduces the ‘Age of
Consciousness’, in R.L. Amoroso, and K.H. Pribram, (eds.), The Complementarity of Mind and Body:
Realizing The Quest of DesCartes, Einstein and Eccles. Cambridge: MIT University Press, In press.
[88] Amoroso, R.L. (2007) Consciousness: “A thousand points of light”, self-organization in an Anthropic
Multiverse, in R.L. Amoroso and K.H. Pribram, (eds.) The Complementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing The
Quest of DesCartes, Einstein and Eccles. Cambridge: MIT University Press, In press.
[89] Amoroso, R.L. (2007) The physical basis of qualia: The immanent era of conscious technologies, R.L.
Amoroso and K.H. Pribram, (eds.), The Complementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing The Quest of
DesCartes, Einstein and Eccles. Cambridge: MIT University Press, In press.
[90] Amoroso, R.L. (2007) Defining a fundamental context for the cosmology of awareness, in R.L.
Amoroso and K.H. Pribram, (eds.), The Complementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing The Quest of
DesCartes, Einstein and Eccles. Cambridge: MIT University Press, In press.
[91] Amoroso, R.L. (2007) The fundamental origin of life: A new look at the teleological basis of complex
self-organized living-systems, in R.L. Amoroso and K.H. Pribram, (eds.), The Complementarity of Mind and
Body: Realizing The Quest of DesCartes, Einstein and Eccles. Cambridge: MIT Univ. Press, In press.
[92] Amoroso, R.L. (2007) Global Warming: Interpretation in terms of the Earth’s geomagnetic field reversal, The
Noetic Journal, 7:1. pp.
[93] Amoroso, R.L. & Rauscher, E.A. (2007) The Physical Origin of Subtle Energies: The Principle Of Self-
Organization Driving Living Systems, ISSEEM Journal, in press.
[94] Francisco Di Biase & Richard L. Amoroso (2007) Holoinformational Consciousness: An Extension of
Interactive Dualism with Anticipatory Parameters, in D. Dubois (ed.) Proceedings of CASYS07, Liege, Belgium.
[95] Amoroso, R.L & Kafatos, M. (2000) Cerebroscopic Transduction: A Developmental Bioelectronic Sensory
Bypass Technology, Noetic Journal, 3:1, 119.
[96] Amoroso, R.L. (2000) Derivation of the fundamental equation of consciousness – Part I, Noetic Journal, 3:1,
[97] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) Festschrift honoring academian Mihai Draganescu: Discourse on the physical basis
for “the philosophical tension and the Cosmic feeling”, in Mihai Draganescu in Media Res, D. Tufis, G. Tecuci, A.
Rusu & I. Isac (eds.), Bucharest: Editura Academei Române, pp. 225-236.
[98] Amoroso, R.L. (2005) Consciencia, uma definicao radical: o dualismo da substancia soluciona o 'Hard
Problem', in F. DiBiase & R.L. Amoroso (eds.) A Revolução da Conscienca: Novas Descobertas Sobre a
Mente no Seculo XXI, Rio de Janeiro: Editura Vozes, pp. 27-49 - in Portugese.
[99] Amoroso, R.L. (2002) Constiinta, o definitie radicala: dualismul substantei rezolva problema dificila - in
[100] Amoroso, R.L. (2004) Constienta: Cosmologie Fizica Si Unitate Elementaria Fundameentala - in
[101] Amoroso, R.L. (1999) A theoretical Alzheimer’s etiology predicting psychogenic initiation, Noetic
Journal, 2:2, 234-241,
[102] Amoroso, R.L. (1999) Exploring The Physics Of The Unknown Universe, a review of Milo Wolff’s
Technotran Press book, Noetic Journal 2:1, p. 127.
[103] R.L. Amoroso & E.A. Rauscher (2008) Emergence of Generalized F-Theory 2-Branes from Spacetime
Parameters of the Discrete Incursive Oscillator, in R.L. Amoroso, I. Diens & Cs. Varga (eds.) Unified
Theories: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Metatheory Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 15-18 November,
2006, Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[104] Francisco Di Biase & Richard L. Amoroso (2008) Holoinformational Consciousness: An Extension of
Interactive Dualism with Anticipatory Parameters, in D. Dubois (ed.) Proceedings of CASYS07, Liege,
[105] Yuxing Sun, Elizabeth A. Rauscher, Jacob Chu & Richard L. Amoroso (2008) Experimental Mediation
of the Primary Mechanism Initiating Protein Conformation in Prion Propagation, in D. Dubois (ed.)
Proceedings of CASYS07, IJCAS, Liege, Belgium.
[106] Rauscher, E.A. & Amoroso, R.L. (2008) Nonlinear Coherent Collective States and Complex
Phenomena, in D. Dubois (ed.) Proceedings of CASYS07, Liege, Belgium.
[107] Amoroso, R.L., Dienes, I., Giandinoto, S., Hunter, G., Nibart, G. & Rauscher, E.A. (2008) Universal
Quantum Computing: Anticipatory Parameters Predicting Bulk Implementation: Part I – Philosophical
Foundations of the Formalism, in D. Dubois (ed.) Proceedings of CASYS07, Liege, Belgium.
[108] Amoroso, R.L. & Rauscher, E.A. (2008) Derivation of the String Tension Formalism, and Super
Quantum Potential as Inherent Parameters of A Holographic Conscious Multiverse Cosmology (HCM), in R.L.
Amoroso, I. Diens & Cs. Varga (eds.) Unified Theories: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Metatheory
Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 15-18 November, 2006, Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[109] Amoroso, R.L. & Rauscher, E.A. (2008) Complex dimensional space, Penrose twistors, nonlocality &
consciousness, ), in R.L. Amoroso, I. Diens & Cs. Varga (eds.) Unified Theories: Proceedings of the 2nd
Annual Metatheory Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 15-18 November, 2006, Oakland: Noetic Press.
[110] Salvatore Giandinoto, Richard L. Amoroso & Elizabeth A. Rauscher (2008) Class II Mesoionic Xanthines as
Potential Ten-Qubit Quantum Computer Substrate Registers, in D. Dubois (ed.) CASYS07
[111] Amoroso, R.L. (2007) Paradigm for a continuous-state holographic conscious Multiiverse, in R.L.
Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.) Beyond the Standard Model: Searching for Unity in Physics, ISBN
0-9678687-3-4, Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[112] Giandinoto, S. & Amoroso, R.L. (2008) Incorporation of the golden ratio phi into the Schrödinger wave
function using the phi recursive heterodyning set, in R.L. Amoroso, I. Diens & Cs. Varga (eds.) Unified
Theories: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Metatheory Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 15-18 November,
2006, Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[113] Giandinoto, S. & Amoroso, R.L. (2008) Superluminal Wormhole Transport by the Phi-Based Solution
to the Schrödinger Equation, Theorem of Residues and Cauchy Integral, in R.L. Amoroso, I. Dienes & Cs.
Varga (eds.) Unified Theories: Proceedings of the 1st Metatheory Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 15-18
November, 2006 Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[114] Amoroso, R.L. (2009) How the mind-body interaction violates the uncertainty principle, , in R.L.
Amoroso, I. Dienes & Cs. Varga (eds.) Unified Theories: Proceedings of the 2nd Metatheory Conference,
Budapest, Hungary, 16-19 May, 2008 Oakland: The Noetic Press.
[115] Amoroso, R.L., Burns, J.E. & Rauscher, E.A. A Relativistic Approach to Emergence of the Arrow of
Time Utilizing Large Size Extra Dimensions and the Least Cosmological Unit, in preparation
[116] Amoroso, R.L, An empirical method for surmounting the uncertainty principle, in preparation.
[117] Amoroso, R.L, Parameters of Quantum Computer Music for Infusion of the Qualia of Emotion, in
[118] Amoroso, R.L, The Immanent Reversal of the Earth’s Geometric Field and the Relation to Global
Warming, in preparation.
[119] Amoroso, R.L, Transcendence as a Spiritual Basis for Influenza Immunity, in preparation.
[120] Amoroso, R.L & Kristen Kunkel, The Fall of Mankind: A Cosmological Analysis, submitted.
[121] R.L. Amoroso, (2010) The Ultimate Evolution of String Theory, in I Friedman (ed.) Consciousness:
Through the Looking Glass, collection in press.
[122] Amoroso, R.L, (2011) Simple vacuum resonance hierarchy model for surmounting quantum
uncertainty, in RL Amoroso, P. Rowlands & S. Jeffers (eds.) Search for Fundamental Theory: Proceedings
of the VIIth Intl. Symposium in Honor of J-P Vigier, London, Imperial College, AIP Proceedings.
[123] Amoroso, R.L (2009) Percepcao holoinformacional implicacoes para a psicologia transpessoal e
autoimmunidade, in M. Pelizzoli & W. Liimaa (eds.) O Ponto de Mutacao na Saude: A Integracao Mente-
Corpo, pp. 77-147, Recife: Editora Universitaria UFPE (in Portuguese).
[124] Amoroso, R.L & Dienes, I. (2011) The immanent implication of FTL Warp-Drive Technologies, J
Society for Scientific Exploration, in Press.
[125] Amoroso, R.L, & Rauscher, E.A. (2011) Complex solutions to the Dirac equation, in RL Amoroso, P.
Rowlands & S. Jeffers (eds.) Search for Fundamental Theory: Proceedings of the VIIth Intl. Symposium in
Honor of J-P Vigier, London, Imperial College, AIP Proceedings.
[126] Amoroso, R.L, Kauffman, L.H., Rowlands, P. & Vigier, J-P (posthumous) (2011) New parameters
describing internal motions within extended particle theory, in RL Amoroso, P. Rowlands & S. Jeffers (eds.)
Search for Fundamental Theory: Proceedings of the VIIth Intl. Symposium in Honor of J-P Vigier, London,
Imperial College, AIP Proceedings.
Abstracts Published
1. Amoroso, R.L. The Psychogenic Initiation of Alzheimer's disease, Proc. W. Psychological Assoc. (1992).
2. Amoroso, R.L., Consciousness: A radical Definition, Tucson I, J. of Consciousness Studies (1994).
3. Amoroso, R.L. Noetic Field Theory: The hard problem becomes easy. Tucson II, J of Consciousness
Studies. (1996)
4. Amoroso, R.L. The conscious Computer: The extracellular containment of natural intelligence. Tucson II
Journal of Consciousness Studies (1996).
5. Amoroso, R.L. (2000) Cerebroscopic Transduction: A Developmental Bioelectronic Sensory Bypass
Tehnology, Biosensors: The Sixth World Congress on Biosensors - San Diego, Oxford:Elsevier.
6. Amoroso, R.L. (2000) The Noetic Nosology of Alzheimer,s Etiology, World Alzheimer’s Congrerss,
Washington D.C.
7. Amoroso, R.L. & Rauscher, E.A. (2004) Gravitational shock waves in QUASAR luminosity, American Physical
Society Annual Meeting.
8. Amoroso, R.L. & Rauscher, E.A. (2004) A Cavity-QED model of the CMBR, American Physical Society
Annual Meeting.
US Patents
2009, 17 December - Laser Oscillated Vacuum Energy Resonator: A “transistor” of the Polarized Dirac
vacuum, US Provisional patent
2009, 28 December - Coherent Control of Biological Systems by Programmable Cellular Automata Vacuum
Energy Resonance, US Provisional patent
2010, 5 January - Cerebroscopic Systems: Device And Method For Transducing Qualia, US Provisional
2010, 5 January - De Broglie Matter-Wave Antiballistic Defense Shield Technologies, US Provisional patent
2011 – Vacuum Imaging Technologies, in process, US Provisional patent
Awards and Honors
1965 Massachusetts State Science Fair, 1st place, Construction & Operation of Linear
Particle Accelerator
1998 Who’s Who in California
1998 - present Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
1998 – 1999 Rosebridge Graduate School of Psychology Certificate of Contribution to Scientific
Knowledge in Medical Science and Consciousness Studies
2001 - present Who’s Who in America
2002 - present Who’s Who in the World
2001 - Lifetime Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy of Science
2003 - present Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare
2004 - present Who’s Who in American Education
2005 Fernandes Figueira Hospital of the Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro,
Certificate of Honor for contributions to the future of medicine.
2005 Faculty of Medicine Vassouras Medical College, Rio de Janeiro, Certificate to honor
contributions to noetic medicine
2005 University Center of FERP, Transpersonal Psychology, Volta Redonda, Rio de
Janeiro, Award Certificate for contribution to Transpersonal Psychology
2005 1st Place Winner, 1st Annual Poetry Contest, Razzos Rocket Pizza, Oakland, CA
2010 Telesio-Galilei Gold Medal, Pecs University, Pecs, Hungary; see:
Select Symposia Chairmanships and Attendance
1972 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC USA
1992 Western Psychological Association. 30 April – 3 May, Portland State University. Portland, OR USA
1995 Scale in Conscious Experience: Is the Brain too Important to be Left to Specialists to Study? 3rd
Appalachian Conference, Radford University, Radford Virginia.
1994 Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson I, University of Arizona, Tucson USA
1995 (Keynote speaker) Brain and Mind, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1996 Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson II, University of Arizona, Tucson USA
1996 Fourth Workshop on Physics and Computation, Physcomp96, 22-24 November, Boston University,
1997 Brain & Consciousness, 1st Annual ECPD International Symposium on Scientific Basis for
Consciousness, 22-23 September, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
1998 Science & the Primacy of Consciousness, 22-24 April, University of Lisbon, Lisbon Portugal.
1999 (Cochairman) August, Fundamental Principles of Cosmology: The Foundations of a Conscious
Universe, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
1999 International Interdisciplinary Workshop on Studies in the Structure of Time: From Physics to
Psycho(patho)logy, 23-24 November, Palermo, Italy.
1999 Quantum Mind I, Flagstaff, Arizona.
2000 (Chairman) Gravitation & Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale; 3rd International
Symposium in Honor of Jean-Pierre Vigier, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA USA
2000 Biosensors, 6th World Congress on Biosensors, 24-26 May, San Diego, USA
2001 Symposium on Fundamentals of Consciousness, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Il USA
2002 NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on the Nature of Time, Geometry, Physics and
Perception, 21-24 May, Tatranska Lomnika, Slovak Republic.
2002 (Keynote speaker) Filosophia Constiintei si Stiintele Cognitive, Roamanian Academy of Science,
Buchgarest, Romania.
2003 (Chairman) Beyond the Standard Model: Searching for Unity in Physics, 4th International Symposium in
Honor of Jean-Pierre Vigier, Pierre et Marie Curie Universite, Paris France.
2003 Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS03), 6th International Conference, 11-16 August, Liege,
2004 (Keynote speaker) Symposium in Honor of 75 Birthday in honor of Academian Mihai Draganescu, 8
April, Bucharest, Romania
2004 Anticipative & Predictive Models in Systems Science, 16th International Conference on Systems
Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, 29 July – August 4. Baden-Baden, Germany.
2005 Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS05), 7th International Conference, 8-13 August, Liege,
2005 International Congress on Science and Orthodoxy, a Necessary Dialogue, 21-26 October, Bucharest,
2005 (Chairman) International Year of Physics, 5th International Symposium in Honor of Jean-Pierre Vigier, in
conjunction with CASYS05, Liege, Belgium.
2005 (Keynote speaker) Fernandes Figueira Hospital of the Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro.
2005 (Keynote speaker) Faculty of Medicine Vassouras Medical College, Rio de Janeiro
2005 (Keynote speaker) University Center of FERP, Transpersonal Psychology, Volta Redonda, Rio de
2006 (Cochairman, Keynote speaker) Unified Theories: The 1st Metatheory Symposium, September 15-19,
Budapest, Hungary
2007 Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS07), 8th International Conference, 6-11 August, Liege,
2007 (Chairman) 6th International Symposium in Honor of Jean-Pierre Vigier, in conjunction with CASYS07,
6-11 August, Liege, Belgium.
2008 (Cochairman, Keynote speaker) Unified Theories: The 2nd Metatheory Symposium, Budapest, Hungary.
2009 (Keynote Speaker) Symposio International Saude Quantico, 27-29 Novembro, Recife, Brazil
2010 (Keynote speaker) Cutting Edge Energy & Advanced Propulsion Research, Society for Scientific
Exploration, !0-12 June, Boulder, Colorado USA
2010 (Chairman) Search for Fundamental Theory; 7th International Symposium in Honor of Jean-Pierre
Vigier, 12-14 July, Imperial College London.
2011 (Keynote Speaker) 2nd Symposio International Saude Quantico, 16-18 September, Recife, Brazil
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Romanian Academy of Science – Lifetime Honorary Member
New York Academy of Science
Centre for Hyperincursion and Anticipation in Ordered Systems (CHAOS)
The Institute of Noetic Sciences
Robotic Society of America
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, High Priest
Telesio-Galilei Institute