James Lake
James Lake M.D.
Dr. Lake is a Board certified psychiatrist who completed residency training at Stanford and who specializes in integrative mental health care. He currently holds an adjunct appointment at University of Arizona School of Medicine, Center for Integrative Medicine and previously had an adjunct faculty appointment at Stanford University Hospital, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He founded and chaired the American Psychiatric Association’s Caucus on Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Mental Health Care and is a founding member and current chair of the International Network of Integrative Mental Health (www.INIMH.org). He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and chapters on integrative medicine and psychiatry. He serves on the editorial review boards of several journals and has authored or co-authored four textbooks on integrative psychiatry.
Dr. Lake’s interests include the role of consciousness in health and healing and the emergence of novel paradigms in medicine that take into account recent advances in the basic sciences and consciousness research. He consulted on a fMRI study examining relationships between healers’ intentions and changes in regional brain activation in empathically bonded pairs of healers and patients (Achterberg et al 2005). He has presented papers on the role of intentionality in healing at the Tucson Conferences on the science of consciousness, and the Rhine Research Center Conference including a proposal for a “best fit” model of the role of consciousness in healing (http://www.progressivepsychiatry.com/powerpoint/0705_rhine_conference.pdfon), and theoretical model and results of a pilot study on relationships between EEG biofeedback training and spontaneous Psi. His current interests in Psi research include using augmented cognition (AC) technologies to examine and enhance Psi performance, and developing a systems-level model of “healing” that reconciles findings from conventional neuroscience research, cultural anthropology and Psi. You may contact Dr. Lake through his website www.IntegrativeMentalHealth.net