
Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions February 2003 Vol II Nr 1


9. New Retrocausality Study: Volunteers Wanted - Angela Thompson Smith

8. Remote Sensing and the One Mind Model - Mark Germine

7. The problem of intelligent signals: expanding the quantum envelope (response to Larry Dossey) - Matti Pitkanen

6. Signal versus information in DMILS research protocols (Response to Kevin Chen) - Larry Dossey

5. Quantum Holography Computing - Peter Marcer

4. Call for Papers - 8th International IABC meeting on Greece - Scott Hill

3. Quantum Mind 2003: Second Announcement and Call for Papers - Stuart Hameroff

2. RE: "Scientific Validation of Planetary Consciousnes" - Mark Germine

1. World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day Update - Bill Douglas

9. New Retrocausality Study - Volunteers Wanted

From: Angela Thompson Smith

Received: February 21, 2003

Please let your Los Angeles friends know about this parapsychology experiment:

Jeffrey Mishlove and James Spottiswoode invite you to participate in a

novel precognition experiment. This experiment will test whether it is

possible to send small amounts of information backwards in time with a high

accuracy. The experiment is based on an automatic response in our

physiology. It has been known for a hundred years that when we are alarmed

or surprised we sweat slightly and this can be measured by monitoring the

electrical resistance of our skin. Recently it has been discovered that a

similar effect occurs just before the surprising event -- that is our skin

conductance shows that we react about 3 seconds in advance of stimulation.

With medically approved equipment, we monitor the properties of your skin

at your fingertips. Our skin sometimes reflects our emotional state. That

is, if you are a little nervous or you are suddenly surprised, your hands

become a bit damp. Our sensitive equipment can sense that change long

before it is obvious to you.

This experiment is very important because it is showing us that our nervous

system can correctly anticipate the startling sound -- even before the

system has randomly decided whether to present the sound. This appears to

be physiological evidence of precognition -- peeking slightly into the future.

If this experiment is successful it will be an important demonstration of a

backwards-in-time, or retrocausal, communication channel. A demonstration

of this effect poses a major challenge to existing physics and opens the

way for a number of interesting experiments in causality.

The experiment will take place on Sunday, March 2, at 1:30 pm, at the

Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles. For

more information -- and to register -- please visit the following

website: http://www.jsasoc.com/rpsr.htm

We're hoping to have about 100 individuals participating in this study --

so I would very much appreciate it if you would kindly inform your Los

Angeles friends about this project.

Warm regards,


8. Remote Sensing and the One Mind Model

From: Mark Germine

Received: February 21, 2002

In the February 2003 issue of JNLRMI Lian Sidorov addresses the topic of Entanglement and Decoherence Aspects in Remote Sensing: a Topological Geometrodynamics Approach I would like to comment on a few elements of his article with respect to the One Mind Model of quantum reality and brain function (Germine, 2002).

On page 7 of the article, Sidorov writes: “Beyond the obvious implications of non-local information transfer, access to both physical and cognitive representations, and the apparent violation of causality suggested by pre-cognitively viewing a target that will later be chosen by a random number generator, the next salient feature that emerges is that this information transfer appears to be a little more complex than a mere ‘access to the universal Mind,’ or to that ‘extra dimension where there is zero separation’ between objects in time and space.”

From a systems perspective, hierarchies are constructed from the micro to the macro level. One such hierarchy would be the cell, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism. In Whitehead’s philosophy of organism, which applies both directly and indirectly to quantum theory, each element of the organism prehends, grasps, of feels each other element, as a “quantum” of experience or actual occasion. Thus the tissue is the nexus of its constituent prehensions. Each cell is “internal” to each other cell, but it is the concrescence of the relations among the cells that constitutes the whole. This is what Whitehead called process.

This is how I view the One Mind, as the concrescence of the universal whole. On page 9 Sidorov refers to the “overall matrix” of the “mind-matter ‘universal operator’” as an “evolutionary blueprint.” This is the process I call reciprocal causality, in which the whole constitutes the parts. I refer to the general theory by which both hierarchies and inverted hierarchies come into play as “reciprocal systems theory.”

So, to get back to the notion of information flow arising through “access to Universal Mind,” I would agree that its quite a bit more complex than this. Information flows in both directions. In Whitehead’s ontology the actual entity, the One Mind, would be the same as the actual occasion, the universal concrescence, or the “universal operator.”

The process that leads to the concrescence of the actual entity is called actualization. Actualization is equivalent to what is known in psychology as percept genesis, and occurs in what Whitehead called the mode of causal efficacy. The mode of causal efficacy is the quantum multiverse, which is characterized by variations in the Higgs Field and the fundamental constants, as well as be all the possibilities inherent in the wavefunction or “overall matrix” of a particular universe. In terms of psychology, the “overall matrix” is the collective unconscious in its widest sense. The classical universe is the universe that we perceive or know, in what Whitehead called the mode of presentational immediacy. In Platonic terms, the mode of presentational immediacy is like the shadows in the cave. It has no material substance or “thingness.” It is an appearance, no more, no less. Yet it is this appearance that is the substance of our everyday life. It is the creation of our Mind, the one actual entity that is the one actual occasion of the classical universe. Many of these ideas are outlined in a forthcoming book (Combs and others, 2003).

The mode of causal efficacy, the unconscious, and the “overall matrix” are one and the same. It is within this reality that all prehensions, internal connections, or non-local interactions occur. The classical universe exists because we see it, and for no other reason. We see it with our eyes, our ears, and our measuring devices. When consciousness, the local mode of presentational immediacy, descends into the unconscious, the non-local model of causal efficacy, remote sensing becomes possible. Remote sensing is the appearance of an appearance, our seeing of the shadows in the cave.

In experiments on the brain waves or ERPs generated by a random and theoretically uncertain stimulus (Germine, 2002), it was shown that these brain waves differ if someone has previously observed the stimulus. The stimulus, the first observer, and the second observer are all part of a single system or organism, so it is natural to assume that there will be prehensions or non-local interactions between them. The concrescence of the knowledge that the stimulus occurred, however, would involve only the stimulus and the first observer. In the One Mind model, this appearance of a stimulus is embedded in the appearance of a classical universe, and is a function of the “overall matrix” or “universal operator.” Black hole physics has taught us that this appearance is generated beyond the level of our individual minds.

On page 24 of Lian Sidorov’s article he considers two possible explanations for the difference between the brain waves elicited by the unobserved and pre-observed stimulus: 1) That the mind/brain of the first observer actualizes (or collapses the wavefunction of) the stimulus, and that this actualization is reflected in the processing of the stimulus in the brain. This was the hypothesis that the experiments were intended to test (Germine, 1998). 2) That the non-local interaction or entanglement of the two observers causes the differences seen between brain processing of the unobserved and pre-observed stimuli.

Sidorov hypothesizes that it is the presence of such non-local connection between the first and second observer that make their brain wave patterns different. Sidorov argues that if a number of other observers were not to perceive the “oddball” stimulus, but rather the “common” stimulus at the time both the computer and the first observer were processing the “oddball” stimulus, then this non-local effect would be reduced or nullified. Sidorov’s alternate explanation is testable, and should be tested.

If Sidorov’s hypothesis is validated by experiment, then we will have discovered the first experimental probe into the non-local interactions of two brains. This would have enormous implications for both science and medicine. If my original hypothesis is validated, we will have nothing short of a revolution in both science and medicine. As outlined above, I believe that both kinds of processes occur, and that it may be one or both that are validated in the experimental results.


Combs, A., Germine, M., Goertzel, B. (Editors). Mind in Time: The Dynamics of Thought, Reality, and Consciousness (Advances in Systems Theory, Complexity, and the Human Sciences). Hampton Press 2003, Mount Waverly, Victoria, Australia.

Germine, M. (2002) Scientific Validation of Planetary Consciousness. JNLRMI (3). URL: www.emergentmine.org/germine3.htm

Germine, M. (1998) Experimental Model for Collapse of the Quantum. URL: www.goertzel.org/dynapsyc/1998/collapse.html

7. The problem of intelligent signals: expanding the quantum envelope (response to Larry Dossey)

From: Matti Pitkanen

Received: February 18, 2003

A couple of comments inspired by Larry's warnings concerning naive applications of quantum physics to healing.

a) Quantum non-locality in standard sense is not enough: intentionality is lacking from standard quantum physics, which cannot give a description of intentional free will, at most free will as selection among given alternatives. P-Adic-to-real transition transforming p-adic ME to negative energy ME together with a jump of physical system to higher energy state (energy conservation) is basic mechanism of precisely targeted intentionality allowing to overcome the argument that quantum jumps occur randomly.

b) I share also the view about need to be cautious with the idea that healer sends something and healee receives something. This is classical view about communications. Classical (dissipative) communications might be involved but the most essential element is quantum entanglement. In fact, negative energy MEs could quite generally be the correlate for quantum communications and positive energy MEs the correlate for dissipative classical communications.

c) Quantum communications in standard sense are not enough: sharing of mental images is the new element and made possible by the many-sheeted spacetime topology. Subselves (mental images) of two separate selves fuse to a subself experienced by both selves. This process is not possible in standard physics and is made possibly only by nontrivial spacetime topology forcing a generalization of subsystem concept. At the level of spacetime sheets this means that the boundaries of subself spacetime sheets are glued to join-along boundaries bond whereas the spacetime sheets of selves do not have this kind of bonds.

d) Negative energy MEs (or more generally negative energy spacetime sheets) as correlates of bound state quantum entanglement are a must and they elegantly explain various aspects of long term memory, sensory perception and motor action. They are also the correlate of healing: healer could be said to receive negative energy MEs sent by healee so that healee gets metabolic energy. But this does not mean ordinary classical view since the process is instantaneous qjump in which spacetime surface not containing this ME is replaced with a spacetimessurface containing this negative energy ME connecting healer and healee. A nonlocal process is in question and this process explains not only precognition but also long term episodal memory.


6. Signal versus information in DMILS research protocols (Response to Kevin Chen)

From: Larry Dossey

Received: February 17, 2003

Dear Kevin,

The points you make about the crucial role of intention are vital. Your point that the increasing sensitivity of detection devices makes them more susceptible to manipulation by conscious intention is also a profound point, and is supported by more than 2 decades of experimentation by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab data of Jahn, Dunne, Nelson, Dobyns, et al, and replicated by many labs, dealing with the effects of pre-stated intentions on the performance of random-event generators.

In the past 2 decades Chinese scientists have made many of the same mistakes that are being made currently by many who are involved in distant healing in the Western world who are obsessed with the idea of "signal" - some form of subtle energy passing between point A and point B, between healer and subject. When Chinese scientists use the term "emitted" qi, they are implying that some actual form of energy is flowing from the qigong master, which can be detected by sensitive instrumentation. As you point out, this is not necessarily the case.

I find it astonishing that so much work could have come out of China on qigong, with virtually no consideration that these effects might be nonlocal in nature -- i.e., that NO energetic force is mediating them. This shows how difficult it is for humans to grasp nonlocality, which involves the correlation of distant events without the passage of any signal whatever.

To repeat: nonlocal events are not signal-dependent. In nonlocality, nothing is sent. Very few in medicine and healing research seems to get this. Those who speak of "bioenergy" frequently fall into this trap. One reason is our language, which relies on a classical, mechanical vision of forces and energy to describe events in the world. We emphasize nouns and objects - somebody does something to something else; somebody emits something. Nonlocality demands that we get out of this conceptual box. The best recent book on this is that of Nadeau and Kafatos, The Non-local Universe. Nick Herbert's earlier book, Quantum Reality, is excellent as well. The key points: Nonlocal events are (i) unmediated (not signal-dependent), (2) unmitigated (do not diminish with distance, as do all of the 4 physical forces known to exist in physics), and (3) immediate.

I believe that all the good studies in distant healing display the first two of these characteristics. The third - immediacy - is more difficult to establish, because it it difficult to establish the instant an intention actually begins. But we do know that the effects of some intentions are time-displaced, as shown by the research by Radin and Bierman and in the review by Braud (references below). Thus we can say that the effects of healing intention can be time-displaced. Healing, therefore, is space-time independent and thus is genuinely nonlocal, meeting all three requirements for nonlocal events. In parapsychology, more than a century of research points to this conclusion. Still, medical researchers continue trying to force healing into a local, classical framework, yearning for "subtle energy" etc. to mediate these distant event, just as Chinese scientists continue trying to find something that is "emitted." Granted, energy may operate locally at short range as thermal and electromagnetic effects, but these forces are hopeless to describe distant healing events involving what I've called the "nonlocal gap" between healer and healee. And these physical forces can't possibly account for the time-displaced phenomena, as mentioned, described by Radin and Bierman and reviewed by Braud:

Bierman DJ, Radin DI. Anomalous anticipatory response on randomized future conditions. Perceptual & Motor Skills. 1997;84:689-90.

Braud W. Wellness implications of retroactive intentional influence: exploring an outrageous hypothesis. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine. 2000;6(1): 37-48.

There is a major difference, however, between nonlocal quantum events and nonlocal, distant healing events at the macro-human level. Almost all authorities in quantum mechanics who study this stuff say that one cannot sent intelligent messages utilizing quantum nonlocality. But in healing we obviously insert intelligent messages into the world; that's what healing is all about. Also, people nonlocally acquire intelligent information, as in clairvoyance and precognition, and this information is often health-relevant. This is one reason why we can't equate quantum nonlocality and human-level nonlocality; they are similar in that they are space-time and signal-independent, but are not the same. The key difference may be that consciousness (which includes intentionality) is involved in human-type nonlocality, while it is apparently absent or exceedingly scarce at the quantum level. [highlights by LS]

There are several systematic and meta-analytic reviews out there, which I have pasted below. The one by Crawford, Sparber, and Jonas will be a supplement to Alternative Therapies. The other by Jonas will appear in the March issue of Alternative Therapies.

I have written at length on how distant healing may (and may not) work. So too has Harald Wallach and others. Here are a few papers that might be helpful to you and Lian:

Dossey L. The forces of healing: reflections on energy, consciousness, and the beef Stroganoff principle. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 1997;3(5):8-14.

Dossey L. Healing and modern physics: exploring the small-is-beautiful assumption. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 1999;5(4):12-17, 102-108.

Dossey L. Distant intentionality: an idea whose time has come. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine. 1996;12(3):9-13

Dossey L. How healing happens: Exploring the nonlocal gap. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 2002;8(2): 12-16, 103-110.

Walach, Harald. Theory and apory in healing research: "Influence" versus "correlational" models. Sutble Energies & Energy Medicine. 2002; 11(3): 189-205.

Walach H, Römer H. Complementarity is a useful concept for consciousness studies. A reminder. Neuroendocrinology Letters. 2000;21:221-232.

I coined the term "nonlocal mind" in 1989 in my book RECOVERING THE SOUL to designate the nonlocal behavior of consciousness. This term has been widely used since then, but few people grasp what it implies. They usually lapse back into "subtle energy" etc. Old habits are hard to break!

Of course, to say that distant healing is nonlocal explains nothing. The few physicists who study nonlocality don't know how it happens. Currently, hypotheses abound, however. The leading one is perhaps the "entanglement" idea, according to which distant events are subject to the same state vector; when the state vector for one of them collapses, the state vector for the distant event collapses as well, as if they are "entangled" in the same state vector. In some interpretations, consciousness enters via "observation," functioning as the trigger to state vector collapse. This provides an entry point, perhaps, to "intention," which seems key in distant healing phenomena. Harald Walach's above paper goes into all this, as well as the possible role of complementarity in physics as a possible "mechanism" (bad word) of distant healing. I hope you get a chance to meet Harald; he is one of the leading theorists in this field.

I once felt that "forces" and "energies" were OK to use as metaphors in distant healing, but I no longer believe this. Even as metaphors they are misleading; they trick people into believing something is happening which isn't. They also give a false view of consciousness by diminishing it's majestic, wonderful nonlocal nature.

There are two vectors to healing I would urge you to consider in your review. One is the capacity for consciousness to INSERT information (not energy!) into the world (as in qigong, intention, prayer, distant healing, etc.) . The other vector is the ability of consciousness to ACQUIRE or EXTRACT information FROM the world, as in gaining information about a future health event via dreams, visions, intuitions, precognitions of various sorts, distant diagnosis, and so on. This second vector is seldom discussed but throughout history has been a very important aspect of the nonlocal role played by consciousness in health. I've written about this in my book REINVENTING MEDICINE, particularly in the section on dreams and healing.




There is increasing evidence that consciousness can manifest nonlocally, at a distance, in ways that are health-relevant.

The following meta- or systematic analyses and studies examine the ability of individuals nonlocally to insert information into the environment, as it were, as in distant intentionality and intercessory prayer:

Astin JE, Harkness E, Ernst E. The efficacy of "distant healing": a systematic review of randomized trials. Annals of Internal Medicine.2000;132:903-910. Of 23 studies in distant healing, 57% showed positive results. A cautiously positive systematic review.

Abbot, Neil C, Healing as a therapy for human disease: a systematic review, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2000, 6(2), 159-169. This meta-analysis covers 59 randomized controlled studies, (including 10 dissertation abstracts and 5 pilot studies) of healing in humans up to the year 2000. Of 22 fully reported trials, 10 (45%) suggested significant effects.

Braud, William and Schlitz, Marilyn. A methodology for the objective study of transpersonal imagery, Journal of Scientific Exploration 1989, 3(1), 43-63. This meta-analysis focuses on electrodermal activity (EDA), a measure of skin resistance that reflects states of tension. Healers have been able to selectively lower and raise EDA, aided by feedback from a meter attached to the healee's skin. In a series of studies by William Braud and Marilyn Schlitz there were 323 sessions with 4 experimenters, 62 influencers and 271 subjects. Of the 15 studies, 6 (40 per cent) produced significant results. Of the 323 sessions, 5 percent were successful (p = .000023). That is, such results could have occurred by chance only twenty three times in a million.

Crawford CC, Sparber AG, Jonas WB. A systematic review of the quality of research on hands-on healing: clinical and laboratory studies. Alternative Therapies in Health and Illness. 2003: In press. A total of 45 laboratory and 45 clinical studies published between 1956 and 2001 are reviewed, using stringent inclusion criteria. 70.5 % of the clinical studies reported positive outcomes, as did 62% of the laboratory studies; 9% of the clinical studies reported negative outcomes as did 33% of the laboratory studies. For clinical studies, the mean percent overall internal validity for distance healing was 75% and for hands-on healing was 65%. For laboratory studies, the internal validity for hands-on healing was 82% and for distance healing was 81%. Thus, distant healing studies scored higher than hands-on healing studies and laboratory studies better than clinical studies.

Jonas WB. The middle way: Realistic randomized controlled trials for the evaluation of spiritual healing. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2001;7(1):5-7. A positive meta-analysis of studies in distant mental influence on animate and inanimate systems, including distant healing and prayer.

Jonas WB. A meta-analysis of studies in distant healing. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 2003;9(2): in press.

Schlitz, Marilyn/ Braud, William, Distant intentionality and healing: assessing the evidence, Alternative Therapies 1997, 3(6), 62-73. Analyzing 19 experiments in which one person sought to influence another person's electrodermal activity (EDA), they found highly significant effects (p < .0000007).

Roberts L, Ahmed I, Hall S. Intercessory prayer for the alleviation of ill health (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2001. http://www.cochrane.org/cochrane/revabstr/ab000368.htm. This Cochrane Review finds the data "too inconclusive to guide those wishing to uphold or refute the effect of intercessory prayer on health care outcomesŠ.[T]he evidence presented so far is interesting enough to justify further study." This analysis is flawed because of failure to include many relevant studies.

Here is a study you will find interesting:

Yan X, Lin H, Li H, Traynor-Kaplan A, Xia Z-Q, Lu F, Fang Y, Dao M. Structure and property changes in certain materials influenced by the external qi of qigong. Material Research Innovations. 1999;2(6):349-359. This experiment explores the ability of a qi gong master, using external qi, to produce significant structural changes in water and aqueous solutions, alter the phase behavior of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) liposomes, and enables the growth of Fab protein crystals. These results demonstrate objective phenomena resulting from qigong and the potential of this ancient technology system, even in material processing. Important attributes of qi are summarized and the possible implications of these results from the materials perspective are discussed.

5. Quantum Holography Computing

From: Peter Marcer - BCSCMsG

Received: 2/9/2001

As a founder, and current chair of the British Computer Society Cybernetic Machine specialist Group I very much agree with and share your objectives. The Group (where the guiding principle is that the brain is the role model for the computer and not vice verse) has been a UK/European forum into the physical foundations of information and information processing, since its inaugural lecture in 1986 on the Quantum Theory of Computation by David Deutsch, the UK's second Alan Turing. Full details, of the Group's current programme, research interests, successes like the European Pathfinder Project and the Liege International Symposium into some aspect of the Physical Frontiers of Quantum Information Processing, held annually now at the International Conference of Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS) organised by Daniel Dubois of CHAOS, in cooperation with the University of Liege, Belgium (papers published as an American Institute of Physics (AIP) proceedings or in the International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systerms (IJCAS)), are to be found at http://www.bcs.org.uk/cybergroup.htm

It has, however, as you might infer, always been very much the "odd man out" Group in a Society largely dedicated to the mathematical foundations of computation, algorithmic theory, computational practice, etc And is even more so now that our principal interests feature quantum holography and not the qubit computation, which is a natural extension from these mathematical foundations, even though quantum holography already has well developed experimental foundations and even production devices such as medical magnetic resonance imaging systems in worldwide use. In fact, we believe, that if quantum physicists had been taught nuclear rather atomic spectroscopy, that quantum physics would have received world wide recognition long ago as a canonical methodology for solving pattern recognition problems and not some enigma, which can only be understood by taking one of a whole series of philosophical positions known as "interpretations" which, unlike the formalism itself, lead to paradox and endless debate. This is because in nuclear spectroscopy the means of optimally controlling quantum mechanical processes has long been known (ie since the 1950s and Nobel Prizes have been awarded!), such that the Heisenberg commutation relations are not only a "foundational" quantum principle, but also in such controls become the means by which to compute and in particular to perform pattern recognition. This also follows from the fact discovered in the 1980s, that in addition to the class of quantum observables that are the eigenvalues of some quantum mechanical operator usually the Hamiltonian, there is a second class which are the gauge invariant phases of the quantum mechanical state vector, which are known under the name of the Berry or Geometric phase.

The most significant finding, so far, in my estimation in relation to quantum holography, is based on experiments carried out by the Peter Gariaev group at the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Science ( presented at CASYS 2000 and to be published the IJCAS proceedings). It identifies DNA as a wave biocomputer, which in addition to using the context dependent genetic texts known as the genetic code, as a means of its own duplication and of RNA message transference, also incremental encodes, the incrementally decodable holographic 3 dimensional spatial information necessary to construct the embryo of its organism! This not only changes the currently established understanding of how the genome works, but says that the origin of life is essentially intrinsic to the laws of physics which govern the universe in which we live. It explains not only how in relation to beings as complex as ourselves, reproduction takes place but how it is achieved so rapidly and so successfully. Moreover, Darwinism is not contradicted, because in quantum holography, entropy is not only a measure of disorder and chance mutation, but also an information metric leading to complementary Lamarckian-like processes of exponential morphogenic change in the context of rapid environmental change.

Best Wishes and Regards,


4. Call for Papers - 8th International IABC meeting in Greece


3. Quantum Mind 2003: Second Announcement and Call for Papers


2. RE: "Scientific Validation of Planetary Consciousnes"

From: Mark Germine

Received: October 17, 2002

Dear Colleagues:

I think we can all be proud of the last issue of JNLRMI. This is really cutting edge research and theory, but it is a shame that it is not reaching a wider audience.

My paper "Scientific Validation of Planetary Consciousnes" raised a great many more questions than it answered. The experimental paradigm holds a great deal of promise. The paper contains two studies but it is not very clear what the details of the second study were as the data are presented without detailed explanation. The second study was essentially a replication of the first using a slightly different paradigm. The standard auditory oddball paradigm for ERPs was used, and the data from two trials (Figures 2 and 3) were very highly correlated on single factor ANOVA. The data were also very highly correlated with the data from Figure 1, despite a difference in the P300/N300 between the two paradigms.

The core hypothesis, generated years ago, that was tested was the idea that we all, in fact, share a single mind at the unconscious level, and that we are all in effect Elohim, creators of our planetary reality. So, in principle, the studies could be done using two observers located at any remote locations. This is the One Mind Model, which is generalized to the level of Universal Consciousness. Planetary consciousness is a relational phenomenon of the society of minds that populate the earth, and is entangled with the geophysical and biological evolution of the earth.

Although I have replicated these results, it does not appear that anyone else has even attempted to do so. I originally prepared a book with these results called "The Evolution of Planetary Consciousness," which was to be published as a special issue of the Journal of General Evolution but was rejected by the editor, Ervin Laszlo, after its completion. The experiments were part of the research effort of the Club of Budapest, of which Ervin Laszlo was editor and founder. The grant proposal was rejected by the Fetzer Institute and the completed study was rejected by the Club of Budapest itself after I was stripped of my title in the Club as Director of Field Research. So much for the politics of Planetary Consciousness.

The extinction of Homo sapiens sapiens is a very real possibility if we are unable to negotiate the consciousness of our One Mind. Our genetic diversity is such that a single virus could lead to our extinction.

Best regards, Mark Germine

1. World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day Update

From: Bill Douglas

Dear World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day Supporters, We have had a tidal wave of new event sign ups from nations worldwide, including El Salvador and Portugal. T'ai Chi and Qigong are truly capturing the world's imagination, and with our 2003 WTCQD event, we will support this growing tidal wave of interest worldwide. * Many have asked us to mention the 2003 date in new updates. World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day 2003 will fall on Saturday, April 12th, 2003, 10 am worldwide. Please bookmark www.worldtaichiday.org as one of your favorite places to check for each years upcoming World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day date. * Many of your schools/events are still not listed at www.worldtaichiday.org, so PLEASE visit www.worldtaichiday.org and search under "Search for Events" to see if YOUR event/school is listed. You'll get a password there (keep it simple so you'll remember it), and then you'll be able to update your listing info anytime you like thru the year (s). FOR THOSE LISTED ALREADY -- BE SURE TO UPDATE RECORDS. Warmest of regards to you all, Bill Douglas, World T'ai Chi & Qigong Day Founder