
Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions, Vol. I Nr. 1, January 2002


by Lian Sidorov

Alternative Biophysics: Investing in the Study of the Biofield


Savely Savva

MISAHA Issue 24-27, February 2000

URL: http://www.whps.com/misaha/alternative.html

This comprehensive article reviews the general directions taken by theoretical physics in tackling current paradigm impasses and addresses a challenge to the scientific community to re-think its approach to the science of life.

The assumption of a separate physical field governing the development, maintenance, reproduction and death of living organisms has been initiated as early as the beginning of the last century, when it offered a plausible solution to the enigma of morphogenesis. Today, we know that this elusive carrier of bioinformation (or "biofield", as it is generally designated) has the ability to interact with other fundamental forces such as electromagnetism, gravity and the internuclear force; to communicate with control subsystems of the organism such as the nervous systems and the DNA, and effect similar changes in other living systems, in a way that does not significantly attenuate with distance; to distantly affect the performance of man-made devices; and finally, to interact with both matter and space-time in a way which leads to phenomena such as teleportation, materialization, pre-cognition and remote viewing. Ample references are provided by the author in support of this statement.

Following this extensive review of experimental data, the author then proceeds to survey some of the new paradigms that have been proposed as an attempt to incorporate these phenomena into the physical description of the universe. Most of these theories introduce additional dimensions and complex topologies that allow them to reconcile the current apparent paradoxes of retro-causality, faster-than-light communication, and mind-matter interaction. Briefly discussed are Tiller's reciprocal imaginary realm, Shipov's torsion field, Inomata's mass-energy-qi triangle, Thompson and Crooks' fourth spatial dimension, Beichler's unified field of entangled elementary particle extensions in D-5 and Edmonds' full Dirac matrix.

It is important, the author emphasizes, to realize that we are today in a similar position to those who pioneered other major branches of physics: as Chanlin Zhang noted in his history of physics, each of these fields (classical, electrodynamics, statistical and quantum physics) went through identifying the object of study, then developing a special way of thinking about it, and a special mathematics. Since the complex actions and reactions of organisms depend on a wide variety of fluctuating factors (ranging from psychological and physiological conditions to sidereal time and geographical location, to the strength of the informational-emotional bond with the target), the standard averaging of results in a series of runs does not make as much sense as using the null hypothesis of random occurrence for the best runs. The skeptic's argument that biofield experiments are not reproducible (and hence that we are not dealing with a scientific subject) needs to be revised in light of alternative mechanisms society has developed for recognizing and training special abilities - and that is by performance. Certification procedures for biofield healing approaches should be developed based on the outcome of clinical trials, controlled by (compared to) the outcome of standardized medical practices. At the same time, the use of subjects who have demonstrated greater-than-average psi ability could allow scientists to study biofield interactions under more stringent laboratory conditions, while early recognition of such individuals and the development of a special education system for gifted children could lead to significant advances in our scientific understanding of this universal potential.

In conclusion, the author stresses the link between scientific assumptions and the distribution of social resources, noting that, while the revisions of such assumptions are always painful and, in the short term, slightly destabilizing to the social organization of science, the cost of ignoring the mounting evidence which points toward alternative assumptions is much greater. The foresight of the US Congress to establish a National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine needs to matched by appropriate resources and full recognition by the scientific community that the Biofield is the next great challenge of physics.

Empirical Evidence Supporting Macro-Scale Quantum Holography in Non-Local Effects


M. Sue Benford

Journal of Theoretics

URL: http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Articles/2-5/Benford.htm

This paper presents a plausible theory of quantum holography and reveals new empirical evidence documenting the existence of such effects on a macro-level.

After reviewing generally known examples of holographic properties in physical and biological systems (Aspect's 1982 experiment, chemical oscillations and cellular oscillation dynamics, dolphins and bats' acoustic waves, functional MRI principles, Penrose-Hameroff experimental data on brain microtubular quantum processing, the DNA-Phantom effect), the author focuses on research done since 1951 on the applicability of the Dela Warr imaging system (1950) to early diagnosis of various disease conditions. Using only a test object provided by the subject (such as a small sample of blood, sputum or hair), this device photographically images the subject's internal conditions at a distance, with a high degree of accuracy. This process is sensitive enough to diagnose conditions earlier than conventional techniques such as X-ray, CT-scan and MRI. The theory is that the Dela Warr system is detecting quantum holographic information (shared by the sample and donor system through the "distributedness" property): the frequency information associated with a particular condition is present from the beginning of the transition (pathological) process, even before physiological changes have occurred on the macro-scale, and that is what is recorded photographically. In a project instituted at the St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London, more than 400 images have been obtained using a drop of blood as the "witness", or test object, for each patient - then the validating data was abstracted from the medical records or autopsy files after the remote images had been produced. Imaged obtained in this fashion (with the doctor blinded to the patient condition) demonstrated that the operator's prior knowledge was not a factor in producing diagnostic-quality photographs.

Another discovery of great significance was made by the author recently, who found that Dela Warr images produce spatially-encoded three-dimensional effects, similar to those possible via fMRI, when processed by a VP-8 Image Analyzer or Bryce4 Software. Both techniques convert image density (lights and darks) into vertical relief (shadows and highlights). When used with normal photographs or X-rays, these systems yield characteristically distorted jumbles of "shapes"; however, the Dela Warr photographs result in very accurate and well formed 3-D reliefs, which allow the observer to select numerous viewing angles, even full rotation around the object. Moreover, certain information about the object is only available in the 3-D reconsctruction, and not from the original photographs - such as the complex curvature of a wire lodged in a cow's stomach, and which was represented in the 2-D image only as a highlighted line.

The author suggests that a reference wave originating from the directed intention of the camera operator is put in circuit with the object wave, combining to create a holographic interference pattern which is recorded on the photographic material. The possibility of information transfer between test object, camera operator and photographic plate is further supported by evidence from a 1993 experiment, in which C. Bennett and his scientific team demonstrated that photon quantum informational characteristics cand be transmitted instantaneously between two laboratories independent of space-time, via EPR entanglement.

QuantaGraphy: Images from the Quantum Hologram


M. Sue Benford, Peter Moscow, Edgar Mitchell and Peter Marcer

presented at the Fifth CASYS Conference, Liege 2001

URL: www.homestead.com/newvistas/CASYS.html


URL: www.homestead.com/newvistas/CASYS~ns4.html

The proposed theory behind radionic photography (QuantaGraphy) is presented in this paper, together with further evidence supporting the existence of macroscopic quantum holographic phenomena. A detailed comparison is made between the components and operating principles behind MRI technology and the DelaWarr camera, leading to the conclusion that the mind of the operator must act as a source of energy (reference beam).

The elements of this theory are as follows:

1. there exists in nature a non-local quantum holographic representation of macro-scale objects

2. each substance/object possesses unique spectral signatures and patterns corresponding to quantum mechanically determined material phase transition points

3. spatially encoded holographic information can be recorded on a photographic emulsion (or, as in the case of Abrams' work, on physical and biological objects)

4. the precondition for production of a quantum holographic image is one of phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance (pcar); it is postulated that the mind of the operator is able to identify the point of resonance, which signifies the image being sought, performing what is in effect a quantum holographic measurement (acting as a QH transducer).

5. it is proposed that the test object (a small subject sample) emits a complete quantum hologram, representative of the subject for the condition tested, and that such a hologram represents quantum entanglement/coherence with the subject under special resonant conditions created by the operator's intent.

The article also discusses Abrams' original diagnosis and treatment devices using weak EM energy as modified by illness-specific "rates" (variable electrical resistance); the quantum potential as a description of a new type of energy (also attributed to the zero-point field) associated with quantum gauge field effects; and quantum teleportation as experimentally demonstrated by Sudbery in 1997, where a "quantum communication channel" T was established by a pair of entangled particles, one held by the sender, and one by the receiver (by measuring a joint property of the "message" particle and T, the entanglement instantaneously caused a related change in the receiver's particle). Finally, there is a brief review of work by Marcer and Mitchell discussing the extension of quantum mechanical effects to the scale of the cosmos and all objects within, whereby each object has associated with it a virtual object image possessing a geometric phase (gauge invariant phase of the quantum field) which, under pcar conditions, would be a quantum holographic pattern entirely characteristic of the object in question.

The article concludes by noting a recent European study comparing distant healing modalities, and which found radionics to produce twice the effect of any other method. The effectiveness of radionic techniques is attributed to the creation of an energetic/informational instrumental bridge between operator and target, which presumably facilitates the "tuning" (amplification? LS) of the operator's perceptive abilities. It is suggested that the basis for such healing and similar distant interactions is a universal field (like the quantum potential) to which individual Brain-Mind-Consciousness complexes are connected, which have the ability to resonate with target information (become entangled with the target) either via sensory contact or an icon sufficiently representing the target (coordinate? LS). The prerequisite need for human intention/anticipation as part of this model makes it imperative that future research focus on designing new methods to calibrate and control such "intangible" mental inputs.

"Why are we still not able to successfully treat cancer and HIV?"


Boris I Birshtein, Alexander M. Yarochenko, Peter P. Gariaev, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova

Source: SciTecLibrary.com

URL: www.sciteclibrary.com/eng/catalog/pages/1171.html

A daring and provocative argument is put forth by the authors of this paper, who challenge the limits of the genetic code triplet model and propose instead a dual, substantive/wave basis for the encoding and expression of genetic material. The wave-like, non-local aspect of genetic regulation is recorded at the polarization level of DNA-associated photons, and the genome is seen as a quasi-hologram of light and radio waves which create the background necessary for the appropriate expression of genetic material.

Some of the experimental evidence cited in support of this new model is extensively reviewed: 1. the ability of DNA and chromatin in vitro to be pumped in as a laser-active medium for consequent light laser generation; 2. the fact that 95-98% of a genome represents non-coding sequences which have been shown (by statistical analysis using the Zipf-Mandelbrot law) to have more in common with natural languages and demonstrate significantly greater long-distance correlations, than coding sequences; 3. the existence of homonymous-synonymous ambiguities of genetic texts; 4. the virus-like strain specificity of prions in the absence of genetic material; and 5. laboratory research carried out by Yu. V. Dzang Kangeng, who demonstrated wave transmission of genetic information to change hereditary characteristics of biological accepting objects. Kangeng used specific polarization forms to split a high frequency EM beam into two components which were repeatedly passed through the donor and accepting biosystems, resulting in the production of recognizable hen-duck hybrids from irradiated hen eggs, and hybrid peanut-sunflower plants from irradiated sunflower seeds. Although Kangeng provides no theoretical interpretation of the operational device, the authors' previous work with laser mirrors closely parallels his protocol, leading them to conclude that the polarized laser beam split into orthogonal waves which, by repeated passing through the optically active donor DNA and multiple interference with itself, lead to the phenomenon of photon field localization (information recording); 6. the authors' own experiments with polarization-laser-radio-wave (PLRW) spectroscopy, whereby they used electromagnetic waves to "repair" the genetic information of old radioactively-damaged seeds from the Chernobyl area (1987).

The authors argue that the genome emits light and radio-waves whose delocalized interference patterns create calibration fields (blueprints) for a system's space-time organization. This holographic-type information is being constantly and simultaneously read in billions of cells, accounting for the quick coordinated response typical of living systems. On the basis of this model, it is suggested that the activation of oncogenes and xenobiotic HIV sequences is dependent on genome holographic processes and therefore that future research in these high-profile areas should focus on the factors modulating such EM field characteristics (such as external artificial modified fields) in addition to local, molecular biology approaches. For example, protective wave programs recorded on high topologies of chromosome mesomorphic phases need only be slightly distorted (such as by temperature drops), before influenza virus genetic material is allowed to enter the semantic space of a cell and start reproducing. The evolutionary response of the organism (fever) may be a means of "submelting" the mesomorphic phases of the virus nucleic acid, erasing the wave programs it needs to attack the host's semantic space. Similar mechanisms of wave disruption ("wave vaccines") need to be studied in the future, providing a more effective and less invasive alternative to current pharmaceutical treatments.

Radionics in Agriculture


Steve Diver and George Kueper

a Current Topics publication for the ATTRA (Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas) Project

URL: http://ncatark.uark.edu/~rondav/georgek/index/Radionics.htm

This 1997 paper describes technology currently in use within sustainable agriculture farming communities and discusses the principles at work behind this little known area.

After reviewing the basic assumptions of radionics and radiesthesia (subtle fields are associated with everything in nature, providing a blueprint for organism development via interaction with cellular DNA; the human nervous system is capable of detecting these fields, in a "dowsing response" which registers as a subtle neuromuscular reaction, an electrostatic sensation on the finger tips, or change in the skin electrical resistance; radionic instruments assist this natural ability by discriminating among, and quantifying these various energy patterns, as well as helping with modulating these subtle fields in desirable directions), the authors focus on the history and applications of radionics in the United States, observing in passing that this has been fraught with controversy (whereas in the UK and other European countries this discipline is licensed and well integrated within the medical establishment).

Although the FDA has taken a severe approach to claims that radionics might present any medical value, significant advances have been made in other fields, such as agriculture and mining. Dr. Galen Hieronymus, an electrical engineer, received a US patent for an instrument designed to detect and measure "emanations from materials" - this instrument remaining the standard by which other American-made radionic instruments are now gauged. In the 40s and 50's, the government conducted experiments in Pennsylvania, Arizona and California, in which several agricultural pest species were successfully controlled over large areas by using radionc-type instrumentation designed by Hieronymus.

Today, radionics applications are used in both animal and crop agriculture, falling into one of three categories: analysis, evaluation of materials, and vitalization. Several practical examples are given for each category, demonstrating the cost-effectiveness and reduced environmental impact in comparison to standard solutions. Finally, a brief review of agricultural radionics instruments and training programs is given, emphasizing the need for right mental attitude and appropriate skill development in the mastery of this "subtle science".