


Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions Volume II, Number 3 November 2003


What We DON'T Know about Remote Viewing

Science and Applications

An Open Project for the RV Community


The Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions

The Hawaii Remote Viewing Guild

"The acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding or time." (SRI-International Definition)

"Remote viewing is a novel perceptual discipline for gaining information not available to the ordinary physical senses. Used extensively by so-called "psychic spies" during the Cold War for classified military projects, it has a long history both as an intelligence gathering tool and as the subject of research and applications in the civilian world." (From the International Remote Viewing Association, http://www.irva.org)

Plain and simple, we do not understand how remote viewing works. What passes for the science of RV is a very elaborate set of empirical rules, many of them highly successful - forming various methodologies taught by individual RV schools. However, there is no consistent, comprehensive physical theory available to support these methodologies. We have very little insight into physiological or metabolic correlates of RV function, not to mention apparent interactions with physical targets and group interference effects.

It would appear that the only major research resource the RV community currently possesses is a large number of motivated, experienced and fundamentally curious human beings. Everyone who has taken up the practice of RV has more questions than answers about this extraordinary phenomenon. Everyone who is serious about the practice of RV is devoting many hours of intense work every week in order to maintain and improve their skill. And nearly everyone has, sooner or later, faced up to the frustrating paucity of RV research papers in the current scientific literature.

It is our belief that your questions, your curiosity and your serious commitment to this field can be put to immediate use toward the development of a real scientific model of RV. A century ago, Rene Warcollier and his experimental telepathy group laid the foundation on which remote viewing emerged several decades later - with nothing but pen, paper and hours of creative thinking in the way of "experimental equipment". There is no reason for which this pioneering research cannot be continued by today's generation of remote viewers. As the work posted on the HRVG website ( http://www.hrvg.org ) clearly demonstrates, such projects can easily be based on the collaboration of individuals from different corners of the world, working at their own pace and in their own environment: the only requirement is a clear understanding of the protocol and a willingness to share one's results with the rest of the community.

We would therefore like to open this joint project to every remote viewer and/or interested researcher, regardless of background or method followed. It has been HRVA's consistent position that only by full disclosure and sharing of results can we make progress in this endeavor - and that belief continues to guide our current efforts.


We invite all interested participants to post questions and proposals that address practical and theoretical aspects of remote viewing, in order to create a pool of common information from which future conclusions, working hypotheses and experimental projects can be developed. PLEASE KEEP YOUR LETTERS AND ARTICLES CONCRETE AND WELL-REFERENCED.

Suggested Format for Write-up:

a. Define question

b. Concrete example (if applicable)

c. Historical position or perspective (approach taken by various schools of thought, if you are aware of any)

d. New proposals (practical solutions, theoretical and experimental approaches)

e. Relevant experimental results (if available)

You can submit your ideas via automatic archiving on our discussion board (click here) or by e-mailing your letter to one of the project managers (see below). After reviewing the content and format of your proposal, we will enter it under the appropriate category or contact you for more clarifications. All questions and suggestions will be indexed for search and retrieval functions, and may be referenced or published as such in a periodic Project Report to appear in the Journal of Nonlocality and on the HRVG website. Please note that proposals submitted as full write-ups are more likely to be published as an individual paper. Also, all participants in the design and execution of particular experiments will be listed as authors in the experimental report.

A committee will be selected in the near future and tasked with reviewing the merit and design integrity of various proposed experiments. If you are interested in being part of this committee, or would like to participate as a remote viewer/ analyst, please contact one of the project managers listed below.



Examples of study topics: Variations in physical perspective on the target. Scale integration. Connecting spatial elements. Maintaining spatial and temporal focus. Data versus Context versus Tasking Intent. Data integration versus Meme Complexes versus Noise. Viewer profile.


Examples: The effect of client / tasker / monitor / analyst /other viewers on the RV session. Identifying probable telepathic overlay in post-session analysis. Entrainment and masking. Consensus analysis and other group tasking methods.


Examples: Methods for evaluating the RV data. Creating abstract vocabularies. Identifying the direction of information flow. Simultaneous versus delayed intent alignment. Evidence for psycho-physiological entanglement. Metabolic and electromagnetic signatures of RV. Lifetime and strength of target contact. Masking of information.





Lian Sidorov: jnlrmi@hotmail.com

Jim Karlsson: mj001jk@email.com

Jan Pilgenroeder: Jan.Pilgenroeder@t-online.de

Sita Seery: seeryp001@hawaii.rr.com.

Glenn Wheaton: wheaton@lava.net

Dick Allgire: allgired001@hawaii.rr.com

Bill Stroud: drstroud@verizon.net