Lian Sidorov


Lian Sidorov 

Other projects


The Mind: Keep Calm and Carry On    Journal of Nonlocality III-1, June 2014

On the Advantages of a Concerted Philosophical Argument that the Earth Is Flat, Despite Anecdotal and Nonrandomized Experimental Evidence to the Contrary    Journal of Nonlocality II-2, December 2013

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to G.U.T.   Journal of Nonlocality II-1, June 2013

A Few Words about the Mind-Matter Mapping Project   Journal of Nonlocality I-1, 2012

The Imprinting and Transmission of Mentally Directed Bioinformation   Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  I-1, 2002

On the Possible Mechanism of Intent in Paranormal Phenomena   Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  I-1, 2002

Control Systems, Transduction Arrays and Psi Healing: an Experimental Basis for Human Potential Science  Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  I-2, 2002  

Entanglement and Decoherence Aspects in Remote Viewing: a Topological Geometrodynamics Approach   Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  II-1, 2003 

Biophysical Mechanisms of Genetic Regulation: Is There a Link to Mind-Body Healing?    Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  IV-1, 2006 


Colloquia and Interviews 

Conditioning of Space-Time: The Relationship between Experimental Entanglement, Space-Memory and Consciousness. Journal of Nonlocality Round Table Series, Colloquium #4   Journal of Nonlocality III-2, December 2014

Tinkering with the Unbearable Lightness of Being: Meditation, Mind-Body Medicine and Placebo in the Quantum Biology Age   Journal of Nonlocality II-2, December 2013

The tip of the iceberg: placebo, experimenter expectation and interference phenomena in subconscious information flow     Journal of Nonlocality II-1, June 2013

From warehouse to temple: science axioms and the frameworks they build    Journal of Nonlocality I-1, 2012

Toward a Physics of Consciousness: an Interview with MattiPitkanen and Alex Kaivarainen   Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  II-1, 2003 

Landscaping the Mind: Space-Time Grids, Information Coding and Meaning Retrieval in RV.  An interview with Joseph McMoneagle   Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  II-2, 2003 

The Mind in Time: A Round Table Discussion on Causality, Physics and Parapsychology   Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  II-2, 2003 

Who and Where is the Self? A Round Table Discussion on Memory, Information and the Limits of Identity   Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  II-3, 2002 

Experimental Reports

Cognitive Clusters and Attractors in Remote Viewing: a Pilot Study   Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  III, 2005  

Experimental Proposals

Toward  Disease-Specific Therapies in Mind-Body Cancer Research: Reverse Engineering, Epigenetic Feedback and in Vitro/ in Vivo Combination Protocols    Journal of Nonlocality III-1, June 2014

Bigu State: Can Meditation Trigger Alternate Metabolic Pathways Through Epigenetic Changes?  Journal of Nonlocality II-2, December 2013  (with Matti Pitkanen and  Kean Hin Ooi)

A Split Beam Approach to Remote Mental Interactions: Expectation, Bonding and Temporal Footprints  Journal of Nonlocality I-1, 2012

Distant Mental Interactions, Entanglement and Energy Signatures  Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  II-2, 2003 

Data Integration in RV: Abstraction Levels and Context     Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions  II-3, 2002