Editorial and Advisory Boards
Current Staff
Core Advisory Group
Robert G. Jahn, Ph.D.
Brenda J. Dunne, M.S. Mind-Machine Interactions Group Coordinator
Roger Nelson, Ph.D.
Stefan Schmidt, Ph.D.
Ian Baker, Ph.D.
Editorial Board
Jean Burns, Ph.D. - Physics Modeling Group Coordinator
Larissa Cheran, Ph.D. - Biophysics Group Coordinator
Michal Teplan, Ph.D. - Biophysics
Patrizio Tressoldi, Ph.D. - Cognitive Science
Margaret Moga, Ph.D. - Biophysics
Brian Millar, Ph.D. - Physics, Experimental Parapsychology
Adrian Parker, Ph.D. - Psychology, Consciousness Research and Psi
Jim D. Prentice, Ph.D. - Physics
Kevin Chen, Ph.D. - Qigong Group Cordinator
Lyn Buchanan - RV Group Coordinator
James Lake, MD - Cognitive Science, Biophysics
Mark J. Friedman, Ph.D. - Biophysics
Matti Pitkanen, Ph.D. - Physics Modeling Group Coordinator
Ulrich Mohrhoff - Physics
Mark Germine, MD - Cognitive Science
Paul Smith, Ph.D. - RV Group Coordinator
Iebele Abel, Ph.D. Res. - Applications
Kean Hin Ooi, BPharm(Hons) - Qigong Research
Daz Smith - RV Research
Phillip Shinnick, Ph.D - Biophysics, Qigong
Erik Schultes, Ph.D. - IT Projects Group Coordinator
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. - Transpersonal Psychology, Psi Research, Dream Studies
Harris Friedman, Ph. D. - Transpersonal Psychology, Mind-Body Interactions
Mário Simões, MD, Ph.D. - Psychology and Physiology of Altered States of Consciousness
Isabelle Goulet, Ph.D. - Genetics, Epigenetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology
Michael Persinger, PhD. - Neuroscience, Biophysics
Michael Levin, Ph.D. - Biophysical Controls of Cell Behavior and Morphology
Rajendra Bajpai, Ph. D. - Biophysics, Quantum Biology
Vasileios Basios, Ph.D. - Group Coordinator, Self-organization and Emergence in Complex Matter
Duane Elgin, Ph.D. - Social Sciences, Sustainable Future Projects
Wolfgang Baer, Ph.D - Physics of Consciousness, Extension of Cognitive Brain Capabilities
Administrative Staff
Lian Sidorov - Journal Manager, Applications Group Coordinator
Mary Glose, MSLIS - Associate Editor
L.D. Gray - IT Projects Group Coordinator
Adam Curry - Mind-Machine Interactions/ Applications Group Coordinator
Joseph (Joey) Caswell Ph.D. program - Guest Editor; Biophysics/Qigong, Mind-Machine/Field Interactions (Project Coordinator); Research Equipment and Applications, Data Mining
Project Coordinators
Tamra Temple, N.D. Stargate Interactive Archives Project
Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions
Past Editorial and Advisory Boards
Dr. Lian Sidorov
Executive Editor
Alex Kaivarainen, PhD, DSc
Department of Applied Physics, University of Turku, Finland
Kevin Chen, PhD, MPH
UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School
Research Director, Qigong Institute
Matti Pitkanen, PhD
Department of Physical Sciences, High Energy Physics Division
University of Helsinki, Finland
Harald Walach, PhD
PhD (Clinical Psychology), PhD (History and Theory of Science), Honorary lecturer in psychology at the University of Freiburg, Germany, Director of Research at the Institute of Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Freiburg, Germany, European Office of the Samueli Institute for Information Biology. Research areas: Evaluation of complementary and alternative medicine, especially non-local aspects; transpersonal psychology; understanding and experimental testing of generalized entanglement. See http://www.ukl.uni-freiburg.de/iumwkra/kmedizin/publiwalach.pdffor list of publications. Contact: Universitätsklinikum - University Hospital Freiburg Institut für Umweltmedizin und Krankenhaushygiene - Dept. Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology Hugstetter Str. 55 D - 79106 Freiburg Germany Tel. +49-761-270-5497/98 Fax -7224 Email:walach@ukl.uni-freiburg.de Samueli Institute: http://www.samueliinstitute.org/Organization.asp
Stefan Schmidt, PhD
PhD in experimental psychology/parapsychology. Research fellow at the University Hospital of Freiburg, Institute of Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology. Research areas/areas of interest: parapsychology, psychophysiology, complementary and alternative medicine, models on nonlocality, placebo effect, meditation and consciousness research. E-mail: sschmidt@ukl.uni-freiburg.de
Doug Matzke, PhD
Thesis: "Quantum Computing using Geometric Algebra". Interests: the limits of computation, artificial intelligence, nonlocal aspects of consciousness, probabilistic geometry. For a partial list of papers, see http://www.matzkefamily.net/doug/
Binhui He - Qigong Master
World Institute for Self-Healing (WISH)
Chinese Society of Qigong Science
Director, Qigong Anti-Cancer Research Center
Leane Roffey Line, Ph.D., C.A.
Associate Editor
Research Engineer and Applied Mathematician; Author and Scientific Translator; Practitioner: Applied acupuncture, Qi Gong, craniosacral & sphenomaxillary craniopathy; trigger point therapy; structural reintegration therapy, polarity therapy. Areas of interest: Charge and field effects in biological systems, biorheological aspects of living systems, complex adaptive systems, applications of artificial intelligence, semiotics of art. Applications of scripting languages to scientific and mathematical presentations using mark-up languages. Books & publications listed at www.bioelektronika.com. Websites: www.bioelektronika.com www.polymathix.com . Email:lroffey1@ix.netcom.com
Iona Miller
Associate Editor
Dean of Faculty for The Institute for Consciousness Science & Technology
Board Member, Asklepia Foundation
Mark P. Line
Associate Editor
Richard Alan Miller
Daniel J. Benor, MD
International Journal of Healing and Caring
Savely Savva, MS
Monterey Institute for the Study of Alternative Healing Arts
Past Participants
The Rhine Research Center
Dean Radin, PhD
Prof. Roger D. Nelson
Global Consciousness Project
Prof. Charles T. Tart, PhD
Prof. Peter Mulacz
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD
Larry Dossey, MD
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
Prof. Sergei Kolmakow, DDS, PhD,
International Informatization Academy
Lab of Psychophysiology, University of Kuopio
Dr. James P. Siepmann
Journal of Theoretics
Dr. Rustum Roy
Friends of Health
Garret Yount, PhD
Scientist, Complementary Medicine Research Institute
California Pacific Medical Center
Phillip Shinnick, PhD
Research Institute of Global Physiology, Behavior and Treatment, Inc
Dr. Carl Williams
Liverpool Hope University College
Dale Graff
James Oschman, PhD
Nature's Own Research Association
Angela Thompson
Robert Neil Boyd, PhD
Dimi Chakalov
Bill Douglas
World Tai Chi and Qigong Day
Paul Helfrich
Ellen Gilbert
Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk
Frances Gander, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac
Devatara Holman, MS, Ma, LAc
Lasse T. Laine
Philosopher, social scientist, consultant
for Vidorg,(Uppsala, Sweden)
Dr. Karin Hauffe
Bill Hamilton
Skywatch International
Alexia Parks
The Center for Rapid Evolution
Dr. F. Noah Gordon
Institute for the Study of Human Potential
Dr. Maurice Krasnow
Simeon Hein, Ph.D.
Institute for Resonance1942 Broadway, Suite 314
Boulder, CO 80302
303 440-7393 208 882-1583 (fax)
Serge Patlavskiy The Institute for Theoretical Problems of Interdisciplinary Investigations http://www.geocities.com/spatlavskiy