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Mary Glose

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Member Profile Questionnaire


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Thank you and Welcome!


This evolving list of topics is based on what we perceive to be critical questions around which future research could be organized. We welcome additional suggestions and comments. If you would like to add a topic to the agenda, or have a suitable research proposal in mind, please contact the appropriate group coordinator or write to Lian Sidorov for assistance. More information is available by clicking on the Group name.

Remote Perception Group

Variations in physical perspective on the target. Scale integration. Connecting spatial elements. Maintaining spatial and temporal focus. Data vs. Context vs. Tasking Intent. Data integration vs Meme Complexes vs. Noise. Viewer profile.

The effect of client/tasker/monitor/analyst/other viewers on the RV session. Identifying the direction of information flow. Entrainment and masking. Consensus analysis and other group tasking methods.

Methods for evaluating the RV data. Creating abstract vocabularies. Simultaneous versus delayed intent alignment. Evidence for psycho-physiological entanglement. Metabolic and electromagnetic signatures of RV. Lifetime and strength of target contact. Masking of information.

What target-intrinsic properties increase its prominence in remote viewing, in addition to its Shannon entropy (May, 1994) - and why? How does a target's cultural/social significance correlate with its prominence in remote viewing and what does that tell us about possible "field resonance effects", as postulated by the Global Consciousness Project?

What is the basis of target specificity in nonlocal interactions, what is the threshold of "entanglement activation" and what determines the duration/strength of the connection between two or more points in such nonlocal networks?

Target "lock-in": is there an intuitive confirmation? What we know about subject-target resonance.

How is information coded nonlocally? How is it retrieved?


What is the significance of electromagnetic signatures detected at the target in remote conscious interactions? What can we learn from their time profiles - onset and decay time, plateau effects, etc? What about characteristic frequencies/ intensity ratios, or the sign of the energy - is there an actual non-dissipative energy transaction between sender and target, a length scale-specific, topological "remote metabolism" underlying all classes of remote mental interactions, as per Pitkanen?

Are such signatures subject to constructive/destructive interference as a result of multiple operators' focus? Do they correlate with the length of intent application? Do they affect only the material target, or the surrounding space as well, as suggested by Tiller's experiments?

Are there any correlations between sender and target electromagnetic signatures - frequencies, polarization, phase, etc? What are the implications of this electromagnetic signature on the physiology of living structures - for example, does it play any role in phenomena like Bigu, or "super-efficient metabolism", as Prof. Roy has dubbed this qigong effect? How can we connect it with Gariaev's and Popp's models of endogenous coherent EM fields and their role in contextual, holographic genetic regulation? How can we adapt this EM signature effect to further develop Backster's work on inter-species communication, or to investigate the mechanism at work behind Germine's ERP effect?

What is the earliest physiological detector of psi information in the transduction pathway to conscious awareness? How do various structural and physiological responses (such as DNA/cell membrane/microtubular conformation, galvanic skin response, brain evoked potential and EEG) line up time-wise in anomalous perception tasks such as presentiment or telepathy? How central is the role of the brain in anomalous perception and what does that tell us about the mind/brain boundary?

What determines the direction of information flow in nonlocal interactions? For example - between healer and patient, between sick and diseased cell populations (with possible application to cancer research via Gariaev's notion of "contextual DNA reading"), or between various participants in remote viewing protocols? How can we distinguish between anomalous perturbation of a system and anomalous cognition applied to the selection of particular moments in order to tip the apparent distribution of random processes toward the intended outcome (see "Decision Augmentation Theory" by May and al.,1996)? In a very ingenious thought experiment (see "Time-reversed human experience: experimental evidence and implications"), Radin and Etter have proposed using a Markov chain approach to determine whether an apparent PK effect is in fact a forward-running process (anomalous perturbation) or one running backwards (pre-cognition). Can we adapt such methods to determine "the arrow of time" in other scenarios? Can we use standardized physical/biological models to measure a subject's "strength of intent" versus background noise/opposing intent? And how can we begin to evaluate a target system's susceptibility to retro-pk, or "causal inertia" (per Braud)?

Known effects on biological systems; biological structures as signal processors (cell membrane liquid crystals; microtubules, DNA and other biopolymers; the hydrogen-bonding of water)

Modulators and characteristics: distance, shielding, feedback, directionality, reversibility

Multiple operator interactions

Measurable correlates

Directionality and specificity: beyond the homeostatic paradigm; the role of imagery; experimental directions

Imprinting intent: the memory of water, phantom DNA, healing adjuncts and surrogates

Is there a "psi protocol"? What mindset and techniques are conducive to the enhancement of psi function, which are the modulating variables, and what is the range of success we can expect in the average population?

What is mental focus: relaxation versus concentration; how it may enhance psi function

"Syntactic rules" of guided visualization: are some techniques more effective than others? What is the ideal time profile (ie frequency, duration, local sidereal time) of application?

Mind-Machine/Field Interactions

Known effects on physical systems

Modulators and characteristics: distance, shielding, feedback, directionality, reversibility

Multiple operator interactions

Measurable correlates

Directionality and specificity: the role of imagery

Measurable correlates of psi function in group setting

What is the basis of brainwave synchronization and physiological changes ("super-ESP") in distant healing and DMILS?

Revisiting the ELF theory: the Earth as a cavity resonator, project Tesla, and the problem of non-attenuation; the Schumann frequency as "healing frequency" across cultural systems; thalamic silent phases, brain entrainment by environmental frequencies, and the question of global resonance (the Global Consciousness Project)

Is there supporting evidence for a One-Mind model? (Mark Germine's experiments; Sheldrake's morphogenetic fields; the Global Consciousness Project; Grof's and Jung's accounts of transpersonal/archetypal memory activation; Savva's biofield transfer)

Causality/Physics Modeling

Intent as a probability perturbation instrument

Information versus Meaning in Quantum Mechanics

Retro-psychokinesis and Wheeler's delayed choice experiment

Precognition versus remote viewing "bleed-through": what does it tell us about the nature of time?

The transactional interpretation and other "solutions" to the quantum puzzle

Research Equipment and Applications

How do we develop the most suitable types of equipment for the detection of such effects? Is the temporal and spatial resolution of current brain imaging methods high enough to capture the seemingly very narrow windows of target contact in remote viewing (McMoneagle 2003)? Can subtle energetic and structural effects (such as those presumably involved in homeopathic agents or the "intent-imprinted devices" used by Tiller) be detected with new equipment like Kaivarainen's Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties ( How can we confirm and make sense of "space conditioning effects" as those inferred by Tiller? And how do we reconcile the requirement for highly sensitive photodetectors with the need to simultaneously scan a broad frequency spectrum in search of electromagnetic signatures of nonlocal interactions?

Measurable correlates of psi function: can biophoton measurements be used as experimental verification of entanglement?

What is the basis of brainwave synchronization and physiological changes ("super-ESP") in distant healing and DMILS?

Revisiting the ELF theory: the Earth as a cavity resonator, project Tesla, and the problem of non-attenuation; the Schumann frequency as "healing frequency" across cultural systems; thalamic silent phases, brain entrainment by environmental frequencies, and the question of global resonance (the Global Consciousness Project)

Conceptual Mapping, Data Mining and Other IT Projects

Discussions restricted to M3P Intranet for the present.